麻省后院,坐落于成都新都区毗河绿道公园内,河水涓涓,四周绿荫环绕,景色十分优美。结合公园周围优美的环境,人们能在城中有一处栖息地可以慢下脚步、静下心来,享受生活。Masheng Backyard, located in Pihe Greenway Park, Xindu District, Chengdu, boasts beautiful scenery with the river trickling sluggishly and green trees surrounding it. With the graceful environment around the park, people can find a habitat in the city to slow down, calm down, and enjoy life.
▼麻省后院是什么?What is Masheng Backyard?空间的拥有者希望在这样的环境中,通过一个独立的空间进行经营的同时,又与其他空间与功能具有融合性。一个可以被扩展、被重新定义的空间需求也因此出现。麻省后院是集咖啡简餐、餐厅、酒吧和棋牌室于一体的综合生活空间,这多个词语很好定义了整个空间的性质与经营。The owner of the space hopes that in such an environment, while being operated through an independent space, it can be also integrated with other spaces and functions. Consequently, the need for a space that can be expanded and redefined has emerged. Masheng Backyard is a comprehensive living space that integrates cafe, restaurant, bar, and chess and card room.▼ 咖啡厅Cafe「重构」 Reconstruction在咖啡厅空间,设计师以「穿透介质,模糊空间边界」为架构,由天方地圆的形式展开,打破既有轴线的安排,利用弧线型的动线活跃空间的体验感。 In the cafe space, the designer uses "penetrating the medium and blurring the boundary of the space" as the framework and adopts the form of square sky and round earth. He breaks the existing axis arrangement, and utilizes the arc-shaped moving lines to activate the experience of the space.
由此内与外、虚与实、刚与柔,几何形体与弧形交替穿插,时间与空间在此刻得以统一,于艺术空间中获得沉浸式的体验感受。 Finally, the internal and the external, the virtual and the real, the rigid and the soft, the geometric shapes and the arcs are alternately interspersed with each other, and time and space are unified at this moment, so that one can obtain an immersive experience in the art space.
「光 影」Light and Shadow光是自然对于空间设计的馈赠,“打破”墙体,让光透进来最大限度的保留并且深化,增加光影在场景中的表情。 Light is a gift from nature to space design. The wall is "broken" to let the light enter to the maximum retention and get deeper, increasing the expression of light and shadow in the scene.
「序 列」Sequence青砖与玻璃砖的结合是室内外传递光影的载体,顺应时间的更迭而变化着光影色彩为空间丰富了层次。不仅具有自然美,更凝聚着厚重的价值感。 The combination of grey bricks and glass bricks serves as a carrier for transmitting light and shadow indoors and outdoors, which enriches the space through the change of the color of light and shadow with time. It not only presents natural beauty, but also embodies a heavy sense of value.
「吧 台」Counter运用立体主义的设计语言,将咖啡馆的吧台打造成一个具有多种功能的整体雕塑,强调出吧台在空间中的重要地位。By using the design language of Cubism, the counter of the cafe is built into an integrated sculpture with multiple functions, which highlights the important position of the counter in the space.
「散座区」Scattered Dinning Area
「阳 光 房」Sun Room阳光被层层叠叠的树叶过滤,洒落到阳光房内变成了淡淡的圆圆的轻轻摇曳的光晕。阳光房是介于室内与露台另一种休闲体验,它的存在就不再拘泥于固定的生活方式,你可以纵情享受阳光美景赋予生活的诗意情调,享受一份闲适与恣意尽情的释放。The sunlight is filtered by the layers of leaves, and when it falls into the sun room, it turns into a faint round light flickering halo. The sun room is another leisure experience between indoor and terrace. Its existence is no longer confined to a fixed way of life. You can indulge yourself in the poetic sentiment given by the sunshine and beautiful scenery, and enjoy a relaxed and free release.
「露台」Terrace三楼的露台可以俯瞰毗河的美景,吹着风,边吃边聊,满眼绿色,呼吸新鲜空气,享受生活。一片露台,一桌一椅一抹夕阳,一片夜色一茶一水,一壶佳酿一份独处,一份享受 On the terrace on the third floor, while overlooking the beautiful scenery of Pihe River, you can eat and chat in the breeze, and admire green scenes, breathe fresh air, and enjoy life. On a terrace, with a table and a chair With the sunset and in the night With tea, water, and vintage wine Stay alone and enjoy it
▼ 餐 厅Restaurant「延续」Continuity站在餐厅的任意角落,都能透过落地长窗感受室外的景观,这种视线框景的设计意在让内外平行空间通过视觉交互形成微妙的“内外关系”,让处于室内的客人可以随时跟外界发生联系。 Standing in any corner of the restaurant, you can see the outdoor landscape through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The design of this sight frame intends to help the internal and external parallel spaces form a subtle "internal and external relationship" through visual interaction so that indoor guests can communicate with the outside world at any time.
「对比」Comparison墙面,设计师用玻璃砖和水泥漆材质,极度粗砺与极度精致交错,为空间的第二重“皮肤”赋予丰富的可能性。 In terms of the wall, the designer chooses glass bricks and cement paint, which are extremely rough and extremely delicate respectively, giving rich possibilities to the second "skin" of the space.
白天在自然光下两种材质呈现虚实之趣,晚间,线光源的设计由内浸润出温暖静谧的光。明与暗,虚与实,不同时间来用餐,景与境皆不尽相同。 In the daytime, the two materials present the beauty of fiction and reality under natural light. At night, the design of line light source infiltrates warm and peaceful light from the inside. There is the bright and the dark, the virtual and the real. If you dine at different time, you can enjoy different scenery and the environment.
「旋转楼梯」Spiral Stairs不破不立,设计师将原始空间的楼板拆除,在空间内设置了一个金属楼梯,扶摇而上,连通二层室内空间。多曲线自带优雅、旋转呈现几何美感。配合魔术师般的灯光,寥寥几笔便勾勒出空间的动与静。 Theres no making without breaking. The designer removes the floor slab of the original space and sets up metal stairs in the space, which goes upward in a whirl and leads to the indoor space on the second floor. Multi-curve comes with elegance by itself and rotation presents geometric beauty. With the magical lights, the movement and stillness of the space can be outlined in a few strokes.
从上往下看,旋转楼梯仿佛一朵盛开的花朵,绚丽绽放,点缀着建筑空间,永不凋谢。 Looking down from above, the spiral stairs are like a brightly blooming flower, decorating the architectural space and never withering.
「格栅」Grate空间里,交错的不止是觥筹,还有变幻的光影。 In the space, whats interlaced are not only wine cups, but also changing light and shadow.
「包间」rooms生活的美妙之处在也于她的烟火气,有景有友,让每一次友人聚餐都格外的有味~The beauty of life lies in her fireworks, scenery and friends, so that every friends dinner are particularly interesting ~
▼空间鸟瞰图Aerial view of the space
- 项目名字 | 麻省后院
- 项目面积 | 2380.0m²
- 项目位置 | 成都市新都区毗河绿道公园内
- 设计公司 | 成都初一美学设计有限公司
- 主创设计|张月 李海龙
- 设计团队 | 罗鑫 SAC
- 项目摄影 | 普尤
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