在比利时的 Heverlee 森林附近,有一座新改造的宾馆,它适应了用户的需求。 “MUD Residence”由室内建筑师 Andy Kerstens 与创始人 Sophie 和 Frank De Jonghe 合作设计,是一座建于 1960 年代的前别墅,以现代方式重新诠释。
无论是浪漫之旅、艺术家静修还是创意合作,宾馆最多可容纳 4 人,其空间可用作工作室和会议室,可租用拍摄照片、举办活动或度过私人周末。坐落在美丽的森林周围,一个简约而时尚的钢延伸扩大了客厅,加强了客人与花园的联系。内部的特点是触觉细节、精致和粗糙的饰面以及对比鲜明的纹理,精心挑选的复古设计物品和独特的艺术作品进一步补充了空间。凭借其石材地板、灰米色调色板和现代家具,该建筑表达了一种与光影和附近自然相结合的平静和宁静感。
In the past, I didn't reply to the post. Later, I found that it would not only cost my gold coins, but also be ungrateful. So I kept this paragraph in my notepad. Every time I read a post, I copied it to express my gratitude to the landlord. I lifted the post and helped myself earn some money. And I found that our company a lot of accessories are used in the program, it is worth learning, thank you
In the past, I didn't reply to the post. Later, I found that it would not only cost my gold coins, but also be ungrateful. So I kept this paragraph in my notepad. Every time I read a post, I copied it to express my gratitude to the landlord. I lifted the post and helped myself earn some money. And I found that our company a lot of accessories are used in the program, it is worth learning, thank you