深圳餐厅设计【餐饮空间设计·虾胡闹】把大海藏进小龙虾,新意海鲜出新味! 「虾胡闹」坚硬的外壳&鲜美的虾肉 -- 大大的螯,长长的须,硬硬的壳……这就是虾,虾有很多种,其中以小龙虾最有性格,滋味也最是独特!以至于一听到虾的名字,我们就忍不住口角生津。 本案「虾胡闹」是一个以澳洲淡水小青龙为主打的特色餐饮品牌,它以高品质的食材、多样的料理方式、独特的口味和中高端品质,吸引了大批爱虾粉丝的喜好。 「虾胡闹」的logo就以生长快速、个头很大、味道鲜美的小青龙为原型,通过形变和几何化处理,让logo极具虾的锐度和新潮感。
本案餐厅位于深圳南山区,其品牌VI就是空间设计灵感来源。艺鼎设计师从“虾胡闹”的LOGO中创意地提取出“虾盔甲”的三角元素; 将三角形进行镜像、重叠、组合,以新潮材质和现代手法打造出一个简约、高级、优雅,且与当地建筑风格形成鲜明对比的餐厅。 全新落成的虾胡闹餐厅具备极强的视觉冲击力,给予了顾客耳目一新的用餐体验。
走进“大龙虾”,品味小青龙 -- 虾胡闹餐厅像一只“大龙虾”,分为一二层,拆分自logo 的元素应用贯穿整个空间。 如夺人眼球的门头造型,神似虾的那两只充满力量而张扬大鳌,5个大梯形落地玻璃连通餐厅内外,让顾客与风景巧妙互动。 进入餐厅,寓意海洋世界的天花造型就映入眼帘,大鲸鱼从海平面一跃而起,珊瑚和小鱼惊得四处逃窜,人置身其中,宛如遨游在广阔的海洋中,给人震撼感的同时又赋予空间自在悠然的气度。 环视左右,水磨石地面延伸到墙面,轻奢感呼之欲出;转化自logo的椅子呼应门头造型; 从墙面装饰画、到皮革沙发、到几何形水泥灯、到精巧小装饰物,事无巨细全和logo调性保持高度统一。
踏着温润台阶就来到二楼,私密性陡然上升,这不单得益于包间的“腹内有乾坤”,也有位置的抬升在味觉上的呼应关照,“虾”在舌尖的滋味的更上一层楼。 餐厅的包间别致而私密,充满想象力的达利的画像,卓尔不群,让空间在现实与梦境之间游移,优雅而高级的品味,既是现实又超越现实。
小青龙从澳洲来,穿越海洋,跋山涉水来到餐桌,当然要以最美味的一面回馈食客。 虾胡闹是一只容纳了大海洋的“龙虾”,更是一个高级优雅、现代轻奢的“吃虾”餐厅。无虾不欢,让小青龙在我们舌尖肆意欢闹!
项目名称:虾胡闹 项目面积:498.0㎡ 项目地址:深圳南山区恒裕滨期二期 项目用材:水磨石、金属、水泥、皮革等 项目摄影:江南 设计公司:深圳市艺鼎装饰设计有限公司 英文版翻译: [Dining Space Design · Shrimp Messing] Hidden the sea into the crayfish, new seafood has a new flavor! Hard crust & tasty shrimp - Large claws, long whiskers, hard shells ... this is shrimp, there are many kinds of shrimp, of which crayfish has the most personality, and the taste is most unique! So much so that when we heard the shrimp's name, we couldn't help but talk about it. The "Shrimp Huo" in this case is a specialty catering brand mainly based on Australian freshwater little green dragon. It attracts a large number of shrimp fans with high-quality ingredients, diverse cooking methods, unique tastes and high-end quality. The "Shrimp Huo" logo is based on a fast-growing, large, and delicious little green dragon. Through deformation and geometric processing, the logo has shrimp sharpness and trendy feel. The restaurant in this case is located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. Its brand VI is the source of inspiration for space design. Yiding designer creatively extracted the triangle element of "shrimp armor" from the "Shrimp Prank" logo; mirrored, overlapped, and combined triangles to create a simple, high-end, elegant, and modern with modern materials and modern methods. Restaurant with contrasting local architecture. The newly completed shrimp prank restaurant has a strong visual impact, giving customers a refreshing dining experience. Step into "Big Lobster" and taste the little green dragon - The shrimp prank restaurant is like a "lobster". It is divided into one or two floors, and the elements of the logo are applied throughout the space. Such as the eye-catching door head shape, the two like shrimp are full of strength and publicity, 5 large trapezoidal floor-to-ceiling glass connects the inside and outside of the restaurant, allowing customers to interact cleverly with the scenery. Entering the restaurant, the smallpox shape that symbolizes the world of the ocean is in sight. The big whale leaps up from the sea level. Corals and small fishes flee around in shock. People are in it, as if swimming in a vast ocean. At the same time, it gives the space a relaxed and relaxed attitude. Looking around, the terrazzo floor extends to the wall, which is light and luxurious; the chair transformed from the logo echoes the shape of the door: from decorative wall paintings, to leather sofas, to geometric cement lamps, to exquisite small decorations. Fully toned with the logo. On the gentle steps, I came to the second floor. The privacy has risen sharply. This is not only thanks to the "kun in the belly" of the private room, but also the promotion of the taste in the position. The "shrimp" tastes even better on the tip of the tongue. One floor. The private rooms of the restaurant are chic and private, and the imaginative portrait of Dali is distinguished, allowing the space to move between reality and dreams. The elegant and advanced taste is both reality and transcendence. It is particularly worth mentioning the restaurant's decorative details. These small embellishments also evolved from the logo graphics, which are consistent with the atmosphere of the space. There are small and medium in size, small in size and large in size. Xiao Qinglong came from Australia, crossed the ocean, waded mountains and came to the table, of course, he must give back the diners with the most delicious side. Shrimp Monkey is a "lobster" that accommodates the big ocean, and it is also a high-end elegant, modern and luxurious "eating shrimp" restaurant. No shrimp is not happy, let Xiao Qinglong wanton hilarious at the tip of our tongue! Project Name: Shrimp Project area: 498.0㎡ Project Address: Phase II of Hengyubin Phase, Nanshan District, Shenzhen Project materials: Terrazzo, metal, cement, leather, etc. Project Photography: Jiangnan Design company: Shenzhen Yiding Decoration Design Co., Ltd.