Renovation, Apartment Interiors, Pinheiros, Brazil- 设计师:INA Arquitetura
- 面积: 90 .0m²
- 年份:2018
- 摄影:Maíra Acayaba
- 建造商: Brilia, Cabo Sil, Coral, Deca, La Fonte, Ladrilar, LeGrand Pial Plus, Rodapé Santa Luzia, Tigre, Trimble, reka iluminacao
- 设计师描述 | Designer description: When Beatriz and Luisa decided to remodel their apartment in São Paulo, Brazil, they began to search for architecture offices on the internet. When they found INÁ Arquitetura, they appreciated our design. After some meetings, we were hired to remodel the 90 square meters apartment. All the process should be done within three months, and, in order to achieve it, we prepared and followed carefully a schedule.
- The former layout had tiny rooms: two bedrooms, a living room, an aisle shaped kitchen and a bathroom. However, their desire was to have wider spaces where they could receive guests and make better use of their home.
- Beatriz and Luisa realized that it would be more useful to dissolve the second bedroom so its space could be occupied properly. At first, we decided to join it with the living room, so it would become a wider room. However, a structural column was found between the bedroom and the living room, which made this modification impossible. Therefore, we turned both bedrooms into one, instead.
- The kitchen became wider when we demolished its walls and increased the area covered by tiles, which have a pattern designed by Paulo Mendes da Rocha, named Estrela. Those tiles, with the colors white, gray and blue, are a highlight of the project, along with the fair-faced concrete beams. When we designed the woodwork, we suggested to the residents to invest in built-in appliances, which made the space visually clearer.
- The living room’s color palette relates to the kitchen’s, so that the color blue appears in the couch and some objects. The clients already had many pieces of furniture, which we brought into the project, just as the armchair, the shelf and the art collection on the walls.
- The wooden floor was an old dream of the couple, who always wanted to live in a place with parquet tiles. Therefore, we bought three batches of wood tiles, each one in a different shade of color, and we designed a pattern that mixes them.
- When we integrated the two bedrooms, the result was a wide space that accommodates more activities besides resting. The woodwork is composed by a wardrobe that is connected to a side table, which is used as a home office, and also has some shelves to store books. In this room, the main color is the orange, which appears on the bed table, pillows and wallpaper. The warmer color palette, along with the wooden floor, guarantee a cozy and comfortable room.
- 转载自:Archdaily
- 设计师:INÁ Arquitetura
- 分类:Renovation
- 语言:英语
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