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Three ages are superimposed in this rare townhouse. Three timeframes overlap in a respectful dialogue between their specific features. Built in the 19th century, the residence has retained its majestic, classical elements: mouldings, fireplaces, wide archways and windows with curved contours. Some of them have been replaced with windows identical to the original, in order to maintain the harmony.
The central staircase has been extended up a further floor: its wrought iron balustrade is an identical reproduction of the original one below, so that this intervention forms a seamless continuation under the skylight, allowing the natural light to pour down generously throughout the house. In the sitting room therefore, we find a succession of surprises, rather like theatre sets. A classical wall has been opened up on either side of the fireplace, forming two entrances to a library designed by the architect.
Numerous practical and technical features have been incorporated within the decor, contemporary inserts in a classical context. The transition between the 19th century and the present day is assured by several icons of modernist architectural design. The social values expressed by the various elements of the whole point to the rift which forms between a certain academism and avant-garde creation: a duality that has nurtured the entire history of art.
这座联排别墅非常罕见,它有三个立面,而大多数布鲁塞尔联排别墅只有两个立面。 这个特性自然增加了这个房子的亮度。 这所房子被处理得很清楚。 浅色的天然木地板,用大量的白色来支撑这个地方的自然亮度和光线。
This townhouse is exceptional an rare, it offers three facades as most of Brussels townhouses has just two. This characteristic increases naturally the brightness in this house. The house was treated with clear tones. Light natural wooden floor with a lot of whiteness in order to support the natural brightness and light of this place.
résidence les mélèzes Olivier Dwek _本文由 designing design 编辑整理 喜欢此内容可关注公众号获取顶尖设计资讯点击下图链接可观看其他精选内容
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