OULANTE × UTIMES全屋定制终端卖场设计
在这样的趋势下,欧兰特从专注于卫浴的设计开发转向全屋定制,并找到有时设计为其进行空间的升级,希望通过创造不同的浴室场景和家居空间,带动大家更加关注生活的品质。Under this trend, OULANTE turned from bathroom design to full housecustomization. They found UTIME to upgrade the space. We hope that by creatingdifferent bathroom scenes and home spaces, we will drive everyone to pay moreattention to the quality of life.
颜色向来是室内设计中划分区域、营造场景的重要元素。西班牙红墙La Muralla Roja便以其独特的建筑风格及色彩搭配,引来了一波一波网红潮人来此打卡。Color has always been an important element in dividing the area andcreating scenes in interior design.With its unique architectural style and color matching, La Muralla Rojahas attracted many KOLs to take photos here.
建筑色彩与自然形成鲜明的对比,我们将这样的色彩元素运用到了家居设计中。The color of the building is in stark contrast to nature. We apply suchcolor elements to home design.
每个样板间都运用了不同的材料和色彩方案,不同的配色点缀了整个空间,给生活带来无限的美好与遐想。Each scene uses a different material and color scheme. Different colorschemes embellish the entire space, bringing infinite beauty and delusion tolife.
We look for inspiration in the bathroom about the bathroom. Lying in thebathtub,we in turn think about how to create a space based on the bathroom.When the bathtub is no longer in the bathroom, but in the bedroom, what kind of spark will it collide?
现代女性拥有了更多的收入和机会,她们崇尚“工作是为了更好地享受生活”,追求个性与潮流、追求品质生活。基于此,我们进行了这样的设计,将精致融入到每一个小细节中。Modern women have more income and opportunities.They advocate "work is to enjoy life better",pursue individuality trends, and pursue quality life.Based on this,we design and integrate the fineness into every little detail.
用浅咖、棕色、黑色及炭灰色自带高级感的中性色,演绎一种“低调的华丽”,令空间质感更为饱满。Neutral color with a sense of high quality in light coffee, brown, black and charcoalDeducting a "low-key gorgeous", the space texture is more full.
厨房是一个充满了柴米油盐的琐碎温暖的地方。一日三餐,一蔬一饭,把平凡的日子过得热气腾腾。而现代化的厨房也逐渐成为开放式客厅的一部分。The kitchen is a trivial and warm place filled with rice and oil.Three meals a day, we lived a warm and lively day.The modern kitchen is also graduallybecoming part of the open living room.