Offices, Renovation, Offices Interiors, Antwerpen, Belgium- 设计师:Binst Architects
- 面积: 1150 .0m²
- 年份:2019
- 摄影:Tim van de Velde
- 建造商: AutoDesk, AkzoNobel, Desso, Jaga, Lensvelt, Otis, Vola, Adek, Adobe, Aqualex, Avantgarden, Bulo, Cantillana, Casimir Ateliers, Daikin (air group), Electro Zwijsen, Fachjan, Fastell, G4S, Ghielens, +23HP, IP Building, Jansen Building Company, Lootens Line, Luchtgroep Swegon, Modular Lighting Systems, Mona Visa, Moors, Mouton, Nextel, PMS, Robberechts, Strato, Studiebureau Boydens, Studio Abstract, Tamco, Thermoco, Tondat, Velux, Venac, Vilton, Vorsselmans, Willton-23
- Lead 设计师:Edwin Remmerie (Binst Architects)
- Interior Designers:Wim Heyninck, Ben Depuydt
- Engineers, Stability:Studieburo Mouton bvba
- Techniques:Studiebureau Boydens Raymond nv
- Acoustic Advice:Studieburo Venac bvba
- Safety Coordination:G4S Safety Systems
- Main Contractor:Bouwbedrijf P.D.K. nv
- Subcontractors: Lootens Line nv (Exterior joinery), Thermoco nv (HVAC, sanitairy), Electro Zwijsen nv (Electricity), Building Group Jansen nv (Finish)
- 设计师描述 | Designer description: Renovation former warehouse into HQ Binst Architects. The building in Luikstraat is a former warehouse that was used to store various materials. After several lives as a dance hall, restaurant, car park, and discotheque, the building is now being used as a state-of-the-art office space between the three top museums in Antwerp Zuid.
- The façade will be restored to its original appearance. On the ground floor, new arched windows form an addition to the existing façade grid, with a deeper entrance door in the central bay. The whole forms an understated yet stylish look, which is further enhanced by an elegant steel terrace on the first floor.
- Inside, each floor has its own character: a ground floor meeting floor with a terrazzo floor, an underground lunchroom with voids on the front wall, a first work floor with wide wood plank flooring, and under the roof with Polonceau trusses, a completely white workspace with cathedral allure is created. The soul of the building is preserved and together with the finish, forms a powerful whole.
- 转载自:Archdaily
- 设计师:Binst Architects
- 分类:Offices
- 语言:英语
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