本帖最后由 济南东易日盛 于 2020-8-25 14:12 编辑
不管是为本人还是为了所爱的人改动, 15%,有时候这样就足够。 Whether it’s for themselves or for the people they love, yeah, 15%, sometimes that’s just enough. ——《摩登家庭》
其实,我所盼望的, 不过是天马行空的一瞬间。 为这刻, 触碰奇幻,行走宇宙边缘; 雕塑生活,探索艺术生命。 走呵,走呵, 问何处寻觅奇妙? 且听风吟, 于岁月里,梦幻优雅。
其实,我所热爱的, 不过是随性自在的一刹那。 为这刻, 致敬童真,匠心守护初心; 静待花开,聆听清风送暖。 是呵,是呵, 且何患归处心安? 浅看浮沉, 于时光中,摩登漫步。
Wonderful night of art gallery?! It can capture the avant-garde and modern artistic characteristics and restore the original mystery of space.
高级灰的质感,层次错落,一半典雅,一半轻奢。 The texture of high-grade gray is scattered, half elegant and half luxurious.
皮草复兴,一抹轻铺,提前锁定最IN 摩登单品。 Fur revival, a light shop, lock in the most in modern items in advance.
将日常雕饰成一件清新的小资艺术品,香氛氤氲。 Carve the daily life into a fresh petty bourgeois art, with dense fragrance.
植入怀恋童真色彩的艺术线索,给予家人如孩童般的宠溺与呵护。 The artistic clues of nostalgia for childlike innocence are implanted, and the family members are pampered and cared for like children.
当喵星人遇见兔星人,最有爱的CP,瞬间萌化了心尖儿。 When the meow met the rabbit, the most beloved CP, instantly sprouted the top of his heart.
且留余闲看灯花,花开淡香温暖和弦。 And stay free to watch the lantern, flowers bloom light fragrance, warm chord.
艺术漆刷新艺术“家”,身临最强底妆“种草”现场。 Art paint refreshes the art "home" and is on the scene of planting grass with the strongest base makeup.
油画般的质感,层见错出,惊现童话绘本家。 The texture of oil painting is just like that of oil painting, which makes people wonder who is a fairy tale picture book.
最清寂的风情,浓淡相宜,穿越奢华梦想居。 The most quiet style, suitable for thick and light, through the luxury dream house.
摩登的烟火气,是平凡日常最迷人的人间至味。 Modern fireworks are the most charming taste of ordinary daily life.
森系复古wedding,惊喜收纳,完美布局。 Forest retro wedding, surprise storage, perfect layout.
绿野仙踪,酣然入梦。 甜睡中走进额尔古纳的白桦林,小憩里拂过圣托里尼的风与月。 The wizard of Oz is dreaming. go into the birch forest of Erguna in the sweet sleep, and brush the wind and the moon of Santorini in the rest.
衣饰礼仪,贵而不骄,灵气铺满。 Dress etiquette, expensive but not arrogant, full of aura.
摩登最朴素的仪式感,由一捧花从遗忘中唤醒。 The most simple sense of ceremony is awakened from oblivion by a handful of flowers.
谷长美,毕业于山东工艺美院环境艺术专业,自2005年起至今,已有15年从业经验,原德国钛马赫别墅设计研究员,历任国内多家知名设计公司首席设计师,现任济南东易日盛墅装设计师。 设计理念:用最贴切的设计体现人们在当代社会的生活态度。 获得奖项:筑巢奖、金住奖、艾特奖、IF设计奖、她设计奖 代表作品:中海一号别墅、华润仰山别墅、希思庄园别墅、明悦山庄别墅、中海铂宫别墅、东昌御府别墅、鲁能领秀城、漫山香墅、缇香小镇别墅、海尔绿城玫瑰园、西江华府、鼎秀家园、自建别墅、银丰悦珑府别墅、棕榈湾别墅等别墅区项目。 等级证书:国家注册室内设计师、ICDA国际建筑装饰协会注册高级设计师、中国室内设计协会注册高级设计师。