白云回望合,青霭入看无。 ——王维
本案择址于宁波镇海,镇守甬江入海口;近临九龙大道,畅达城市核芯;毗邻九龙湖,尽揽自然风光,于城市繁华地构筑诗意一隅。 The project is located in Zhenhai, Ningbo city, guarding the estuary of the Yong River. Close to Jiu Long Avenue and the Jiu Long Lake, the project is endowed with both good traffic condition to the downtown and natural scenery.
跳脱既有的概念限定,蓝城着意搭建一个可供分享、交流、体验的生活馆。为了营造归家特有的温暖质感,设计师以夕阳晚照的潋滟波光为灵感,衍化出沉静典雅的色彩基调。 With an out-of-the box design, the Blue Town is intended to create a living space for sharing, communicating and experiencing. In order to bring a homy environment to all, the designer takes the inspiration from the shimmering light of the sunset and goes with unpretentious elegant color tones.
光线定义着空间的氛围和感觉。沙盘灯取形于荡漾流动的涟漪,光影自然流动间营造出精致而轻盈的视觉体验。博物架错落隔开不同的功能区间,东方意境在遮蔽与显现的暧昧关系中含蓄流露。 Light controls the atmosphere and sense of the space. The pendant lights above the model area take the shape of gleaming ripples while the changes of light and shadow create a delicate and light visual experience. Sectorization of the room divided by the background shelves contributes to a “pious covered face” oriental image.
青山作黛眉,绿水作细腰。水波纹的地毯雾气氤氲,朦胧而柔曼。矮几如温润玉石,内敛凝聚,在山水的呼应中勾勒着对自然的想象、对人文的追溯。 Inspired by the green mountain and running creek, the mist, hazy and soft water-waved carpet with jade-smooth short tea table has brimmed with the imagination toward nature and humanity.
变幻的水波纹浸润出欲滴翠色,开辟出品茗区的沉静悠远。一幅荷塘写意画风致动人,笔法疏淡,与深色的背景墙巧妙平衡。 The emerald-dripping ripples infused with the tranquility of the tea-tasting area perfectly balance with concise lotus-themed Chinese free sketch painting in the dark back wall.
步入拱门,便穿越到了儿童区。大面积的落地光线,清新明快的色彩搭配,还有形如气泡分子的灯光悬垂而下,仿佛童话世界的异度空间,朗阔而活泼。简洁有度的设计手法又与外部空间一脉相承,无形间勾连起整体的叙述体系。 Behind the archway comes the children's area. The large floor-to-ceiling light of bubble-shaped ceiling lamps with surrounding fresh and bright color creates a spacious and lively fairy tale space. The simplicity silently resonates with the uniformity, linking the area to the outer zones as a whole.
不同阶段的儿童需要不同尺度的活动空间。除了室内儿童区,设计师还在中庭特别打造了室外游乐区,足以让小朋友释放天性、酣畅遨游。 Children require different activity spaces at different ages. In addition to the indoor children's area, the atrium has also been designed with an outdoor playing area for children entertainment.
生活里最平凡的圆满,莫过于每日的一餐一饭。售楼处里难得一见的家宴区内,东方韵致的餐具桌椅结合现代舒怡的生活方式,让温情与仪式感相得益彰。 A happy day ends up with a reunion dinner with families. In the family banquet area, which has been rarely seen in the prototype rooms, the tableware and chairs, shimmering with the oriental charm and modern lifestyle, bring perfect balance of warmth and rituality to the house.
东方禅意在乎气韵情致,兼具极简与内向之美。在整体设计中,设计师于细节处不动声色地措置妙笔,以跨越时空的元素交互,塑造出全新的场域体验,让空间在满足“家”的体验的基础上仍有无尽余味。 Zen Buddhism focuses on artistic appeal and human spirit while embracing the beauty of minimalism and introversion. A brand new experience, created by the designer through the detailed interaction of space-time transcending elements, is provided with the basic functions of "home" while brings people unique and resounding memories.
- 项目名称 | 蓝城· 桂语风荷生活馆
- 业主单位 | 蓝城集团
- 项目地址 | 浙江 宁波
- 室内面积 | 1200.0㎡
- 软装设计 | 几朵设计
- 软装团队 | 郑小君、金小知、叶媛
- 摄 影 | 汪敏杰