Here is our new project - apartment in the clubhouse of the Knightsbridge Private Park de luxe residential complex in the elite district of Khamovniki, Moscow. Architecture of the mansion in the English style, magnificent views of the historic center implies a premium interior, fully reflecting the respectable status of the owners. The interior in the unique stylistics of Studia 54 is modern, harmonious, exclusive gives a feeling of well-being and creates an atmosphere of exquisite luxury. Every detail of the interior is chosen with great care. Spectacular chandelier in the living room is associated with a work of art and gives the right light. The decoration is dominated by natural wood panels, marble, the walls are decorated with cannelures and a tinted mirror. The dialogue between the palette and textures, complementing and emphasizing the excellencies of each other, gives a special chic. The relaxation area opens with a soft group with sofas by Minotti and Vladimir Kagan.
这个项目很经典,现代奢华张扬又都恰到好处,奢华并不是我们所谓的金碧辉煌满眼土豪金,而是将奢体现在独特的艺术品味上,该简约的绝不复杂,该丰富的绝对不粗陋,把握好每一个部分的尺度很重要,现代材料肌理丰富,色调沉稳又保留一丝神秘,家居以Minotti和Kagan现代细节丰富的高端手工定制家居为主,灯具Terzani 灯具 树枝形灯具安装极其复杂,但对于光源丰富且细腻的要求应该是苛刻的。