本帖最后由 北京同济冰珀 于 2020-3-14 16:18 编辑
項目類型:醫療 項目面積:23.4萬.0㎡ 裝飾設計:WPD香港王冰珀國際設計事務所 軟裝設計:山東玉珀文化傳媒有限公司 主創設計:王冰珀(王冰)、時洁 負責團隊:于明星、王性灿、洪德坤
概 WPD 況
濟寧市立醫院是市政府根據我市醫療資源配置,結合太白湖新區經濟社會發展的需求,是完善新區功能,提升新區品質投資建設的三級甲等綜合醫院項目,也是濟寧市重要的惠民項目之壹,計劃總投資 23.5億元 Jining municipal government is based on the allocation of medical resources in our city and the needs of the economic and social development of taibaihu new area. Jining municipal government is a three-level first-class general hospital project to improve the functions of the new area and improve the quality of the new area. It is also one of the important projects to benefit the people in jining, with a total investment of 2.35 billion .
設計原則/Design principles 本著人性化、科學化、智能化、環保綠色、可持續發展的理念,努力創造壹個功能合理、流程科學、技術先進、環境優美、具有濟寧人文特色的現代化綜合醫院病房樓。為患者營造壹個平和輕松、綠色自然的醫療環境,滿足不同患者身心康復的需求。 The concept of humanity, science, intelligence, environmental protection and green, sustainable development, efforts to create a reasonable function, scientific process, advanced technology, beautiful environment, with jining humanistic characteristics of the modern general hospital ward building. To create a peaceful, relaxed, green and natural medical environment for patients, to meet the needs of different patients physical and mental rehabilitation.
⚫堅持現代化醫療建築的基本原則, 體現新型醫院的功能持質 21世紀的醫院已不僅與醫藥治療和醫學技術相關聯,更要體現出人文關懷的作用。 Adhere to the basic principles of modern medical buildings, reflecting the function of the new hospital quality. Hospitals in the 21st century are not only related to medical treatment and medical technology, but also play a role of humanistic care.
⚫ 以科學的功能流線、合理的功能布局, , 創造高效便捷、安全可靠的現代化醫院診療康復空間。 結合醫院的需求和發展,合理處理醫院的醫療工藝布局,積極采用現代先進的技術手段,在滿足醫療衛生要求的同時,使醫院醫療體系真正成為有機高效的醫療服務網絡。 With scientific function streamline, reasonable function layout, to create efficient, convenient, safe and reliable modern hospital diagnosis and treatment rehabilitation space.In combination with the needs and development of the hospital, the medical technology layout of the hospital should be reasonably handled, and the modern advanced technology should be actively adopted to make the hospital medical system truly become an organic and efficient medical service network while meeting the medical and health requirements.
⚫以親人的采光、近人的尺度、宜人的色彩體現以人為本, , 以病人為中心的醫療理念。 以親人的采光、近人的尺度、宜人的色彩,對醫療環境合理詮釋;創造使患者緩解焦慮的環境,增強治療康復的效應及病患和看護者在治療康復方案上的選擇力。景觀創造更堅持“以病人為中心“的理念,以生態、健康為原則,心理、生理統籌兼顧,人性化貫穿每壹個環節。 With the daylighting of loved ones, approachable scale, pleasant color reflects the people-oriented, patient-centered medical philosophy.Daylighting, approachable scale, pleasant color, reasonable interpretation of the medical environment; Create an environment that relieves anxiety, enhances the effect of treatment and rehabilitation, and allows patients and caregivers to choose treatment and rehabilitation options. Landscape creation more adhere to the "patient-centered" concept, ecological, health as the principle, psychological, physiological overall consideration, humanization through every link.
⚫綠色節能、可持續發展 理念。 充分考慮濟寧的地域特點,充分利用陽光、植被、自然通風等生態因子;積極利用綠色材料、可再生能源等方法引入標準化、模塊化設計理念,創造成本可控、適用性強的生態設計。營造高效率、智能化的醫療環境,創造舒適人性化的綠色交流空間,使其成為藝術和技術完美結合的建築精。 he concept of green energy conservation and sustainable development.
Fully consider the geographical characteristics of jining, make full use of sunlight, vegetation, natural ventilation and other ecological factors; Standardization and modularization design concepts are introduced by means of green materials and renewable energy to create ecological designs with controllable costs and strong applicability. Create an efficient and intelligent medical environment, create a comfortable and humanized green communication space, and make it a perfect combination of art and technology.With the daylighting of loved ones, approachable scale, pleasant color reflects the people-oriented, patient-centered medical philosophy.Daylighting, approachable scale, pleasant color, reasonable interpretation of the medical environment; Create an environment that relieves anxiety, enhances the effect of treatment and rehabilitation, and allows patients and caregivers to choose treatment and rehabilitation options. Landscape creation more adhere to the "patient-centered" concept, ecological, health as the principle, psychological, physiological overall consideration, humanization through every link.
WPD王冰珀設計(香港總部): 中國香港九龍旺角道33號凱途發展大廈7樓04室 T:00852-27935511
WPD王冰珀設計(北京): 北京市朝陽區朝外大街26號8B-015 T:010-85614757
WPD王冰珀設計(濟南): 山東省濟南市高新區舜華路2000號舜泰廣場2 號樓10 層 T:0531-88038962