本帖最后由 Snøhetta 于 2020-1-10 16:19 编辑
On November 1, 2018, the Snøhetta- and DIALOG-designed new Central Library opened its doors to the public. With aims to welcome over twice as many annual visitors to its 240,000 SF of expanded facilities, the library will fill a vital role for the rapidly expanding city. As Calgary’s largest public investment since the 1988 Olympics, the library signals the beginning of a new chapter in the life of the city, one centered on the creation and innovation of knowledge and culture. Calgary Public Library is one of the largest library systems in North America, where more than half of its residents are active cardholders, and accordingly, the new main branch was created for and inspired by its diverse inhabitants. The new building provides spaces for all types of people and activities—for social interaction and exchange, for studying and learning, for quiet and introspection.
▼图书馆外观,exterior view
The building is sited within a complex urban condition, where a fully operational Light Rail Transit Line crosses the site from above to below ground on a curved half- moon path, dividing Downtown and East Village. In response, the design lifts the main entry over the encapsulated train line. Gently terraced slopes rise up to the heart of the building, allowing for people arriving from every direction to interact with the library. Outdoor amphitheaters nestled into the terraces provide places for people to sit and for library programs to spill outside. Plantings that reference the native landscape draw Calgary’s mountains and prairies into the cityscape and line the plaza’s surrounding streets with elms and aspen trees. Doubling as a portal and a bridge, the entry plaza heals the previously-split seam between the two neighborhoods and re-establishes visual and pedestrian connections across the site.
▼图书馆在街区的交会处成为一座灯塔,a beacon overlooking the meeting point of the two neighborhoods, inviting people to enter
颇具动感的三层玻璃幕墙由模块化的六边形图案组成,象征着图书馆对所有人的欢迎。这些六边形图案在图书馆外部曲面的熔块玻璃和闪光铝板上交替分布。部分图案看起来像一本打开的书,又或者像是雪花,也可能是两栋相连的房屋。 最重要的是,整座图书馆的立面形式非常均匀,所以任何一个立面都可以被看做是正面。这种“均匀”的视觉效果在图书馆内部也得以延续,体现在图书馆的视觉识别和道路标识的设计中,实现了图书馆设计时的包容性的目标。
The dynamic, triple-glazed façade is composed of a modular, hexagonal pattern that expresses the library’s aims to provide a space that invites in all visitors. Aggregated variations on the hexagon form scatter across the building’s curved surface in alternating panels of fritted glass and occasional iridescent aluminum. From these shapes emerge familiar forms: Parts of the pattern might resemble an open book, snowflake-like linework, or interlocking houses, anchoring the ideas of the collective and community. Most importantly, the entire building volume is enclosed in the same pattern, allowing all sides to function as the “front” of the building. This visual vocabulary continues inside, expressed in the design of CPL’s new visual identity and wayfinding signage in the building, unifying the library’s goals of inclusivity.
▼三层玻璃幕墙由模块化的六边形图案组成,the dynamic, triple-glazed façade is composed of a modular, hexagonal pattern
▼立面内部视角,interior view
The crystalline geometry of the façade is carved away to reveal an expansive wood archway that embraces visitors as they approach. Framing the entrance of the building, the form references the Chinook cloud arches common to the region. Created entirely of planks of western red cedar from nearby British Columbia, the double- curved shell is among one of the largest freeform timber shells in the world. Its organic form and texture bring the large building down to a tactile, intimate scale. Visible from the outside of the building is the main atrium, inviting people in.
▼木质拱顶带来环抱的感觉,the crystalline geometry of the façade is carved away to reveal an expansive wood archway that embraces visitors as they approach
▼从三层望向中庭,trium, looking north from level 2
As the archway continues into the lobby and atrium, the wood spirals upwards over 85 feet to a view of the sky through the oculus. Wood slats line the perimeter of the open atrium, shaped in plan like a pointed ellipse, serving as an orientation device for people to quickly grasp the circulation and organizational logic of the library. Inside, the concrete structure is left exposed and unfinished, hinting at the open-ended possibilities within. The rhythm of beams and columns are reminiscent of a stoa, the public, open-air colonnades of ancient Greek architecture that doubled as spaces of gathering and intellectual exchange. The rawness of the material palette is intended to give people the sense that the library is a place of engagement, rather than a sacrosanct repository for books.
▼木质楼梯蜿蜒而上,通过巨大的“天眼”可以看到天空的景象,the wood spirals upwards over 85 feet to a view of the sky through the oculus
Organized on a spectrum of ‘Fun’ to ‘Serious,’ the library program locates the livelier public activities on the lower floors, gradually transitioning to quieter study areas on the upper levels as one spirals upwards. At the street level, a series of multi-purpose rooms line the perimeter of the building, enhancing the connectivity between inside and outside. On the ground floor, a Children’s Library offers playhouses that provide space for crafts and drawing-based activities, early literacy programs, and a full-body indoor play experience.
▼位于夹层的儿童游戏区,Children’s Area on the mezzanine level
Throughout the six floors, a variety of spaces provide for digital, analog, group, and individual interactions. At the uppermost level of the library is the Great Reading Room, conceived as a jewel box tucked within the library, which provides a space for focused study and inspiration. Readers enter through a transitional space with softened light and acoustics. Within, vertical wood slats line the space to provide both privacy and visibility, defining an interior space without using solid walls. Natural light illuminates the space through the wood slats creating glancing sightlines between the atrium and western façade.
▼大阅览室,Great Reading Room
▼木质格栅保证了室内隐私,又有一定的可见度,vertical wood slats line the space to provide both privacy and visibility, defining an interior space without using solid walls
▼阶梯阅读区,the terraced seating area
▼独特的六边形几何立面平衡了透明和不透明窗板的分布,能够对室内所需的日光水平起到控制作用,the unique hexagonal geometry of the façade balances the distribution of clear and fritted glass openings to control desired daylight levels, responding to the library’s need for a broad variety of interior experiences
▼阅读区,reading area
Arriving at the northernmost point of the library, one finds oneself at the Living Room, overlooking the train line and the meeting point of the two neighborhoods. Filled with light and activity, this prow of the building will not only serve as a beacon to those outside, inviting them to enter, but also as a prospect – a fitting vantage point to observe the impact of a building that hopes to re-energize the spirit of culture, learning, and community in Calgary.
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,plan level 0
▼二层平面图,plan level 1
▼五层平面图,plan level 4
项目标签 设计公司:Snøhetta 位置:加拿大 类型:建筑 材料:木材 幕墙 标签:卡尔加里 分类:中庭 图书馆 文化建筑