入口 | Entrance
It is the beginning of a journey. As you enter Ensue, guests are immediately introduced to the natural landscape of Napa, along with Cantonese influences that honor the heritage of Shenzhen.
简约而自然的元素为客人带来全新的美食体验,通过一种更加自然质朴的美学方式同时融合细腻的设计细节来重新定义奢华和富饶。这个充满故事性入口的背景是由当地艺术家手绘完成的。配上马饰壁灯,它描绘了一个雾气弥漫的场景,给整个空间定下了一个幽暗,舒适,亲人的基调,让您体验到自然的弥足珍贵。在入口同样值得一提的是Rosie Li Studio手工制作的入口迎宾雕塑吊灯。这个吊灯用现代的方式和技术展现了花和树枝这样的自然元素。同时,花卉雕塑又能柔化空间的氛围,抛光黄铜材质又让它很有存在感。定制的鹿角接待台灵感来自于大厨Kostow书中的元素,让人联想到Napa乡村生动的自然景色。天花板上倾斜的瓦片来自传统的广东建筑。门口天鹅绒纺织品冷冷的色调可以平衡亮眼的花枝吊灯和石头材质瓦片,为空间带来所需的柔软。
▼设有迎宾雕塑吊灯的餐厅入口,手绘背景和马饰壁灯描绘出一个雾气弥漫的场景,the entrance with the chandelier, the hand-painted landscape mural depicts a foggy scene, adorned with horsehair sconces
Simple and natural elements engage the guest with a new experience of fine dining, by way of redefining a luxurious and opulent experience with a more naturalistic aesthetic that still embodies refined detail. A moody landscape mural that has been hand-painted by a local artist is the main feature of this dramatic entrance. It depicts a foggy scene, adorned with horsehair sconces by Apparatus, that immediately sets the tone of the restaurant – a dark, cozy and intimate setting, that allows you to only view nature as nothing but luxury. Equally as dramatic, the chandelier by Rosie Li Studio that greets guests as soon as they enter the front doors, presents another naturalist element, this time using modern elements and techniques. Floral sculptures soften the mood of the space, but are strongly defined by the use of polished brass metal. Transitioning through the entrance, a pitched shingled ceiling is reminiscent of traditional Cantonese architecture. Velvet textiles have been used in cool tones to balance the striking nature of the chandelier and stone shingles, and brings a needed softness to the space. Finally, a custom reception desk has been created to mimic deer horns, which are also featured at the front entrance as you enter from the elevator lobby. Inspired from pages in Chef Kostow’s book, these elements bring a sense of playfulness and imagery that are strongly tied with nature and the Napa countryside.
▼入口处走廊,具有幽暗、舒适、亲人的基调,the hallway at the entrance with the tone of a dark, cozy and intimate setting
暮光 | Ensue
当太阳低于地平线时,来自天空柔和的光,是由太阳光线从大气中折射和散射引起的。 这是一种朦胧的状态。
The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun’s rays from the atmosphere. IT IS THE STATE OF AMBIGUITY. IT IS THE TWILIGHT IN NAPA VALLEY.
In the Main Dining Room, Ensue, a grey and neutral color palette allows the food and flavor to shine. Where color is lacking, effortless detail has been incorporated through millwork, wall paneling, and structure to create a refined and sophisticated room that is the heart and soul of the project. The fertile nature of Shenzhen and the canton region is referenced in the space through warm lighting accents and luxurious textiles. Natural elements are also introduced into a modern design, through materials and furnishings, as well as a custom branch lighting fixture that connects the double height space with the bar above, and gives the feeling of the local landscape being elevated 40-floors above the bustling city below. To combat the rigidity of the existing architecture, curves have been introduced into the structural design of the Dining Room’s ceiling. This curved design element to define the double height space emulates the idea of a flowing stream in Napa, or the coastline of Shenzhen Bay. Where the ceiling meets the diving wall between Dining Room and Hallway that leads to the kitchen, the ceiling curves like a wave towards the back of the banquettes and defines this area as a cozy and intimate space, without the use of any vertical separation.
▼灰色中性色调的主餐厅,天花板上的弧线柔化了空间,the main dining room in the grey and neutral color palette, the curves of its ceiling combats the rigidity of the existing architecture
▼主餐厅旁的私人包厢,the private dining room beside the main dining room
The atmosphere of this restaurant is heavily influenced by the idea of Twilight in Napa. Not only is the ambiance of the space enhanced during this hour, but the colors, lighting and intimacy of the Dining Room evokes that time of day just after the sun has set. The hue of the mountains translates through the color palette of the finishes and furnishings, and the custom wall sconces and banquette lightings utilize an exposed filament lamp to imitate the glow of the setting sun. Separating the banquettes from the hallway is a vertical louvered wall partition that creates an obstructed view of this passage, similar to the way that trees.
▼私人包厢内部,配有浅色橡木桌和装置吊灯,interior view of the private dining room with light oak table and chandeliers
朝暮 | Alcove at Ensue
这是纳帕峡谷的夜晚。这是日出前天空中首次出现的光线。 一个北加利福尼亚早晨被雾层覆盖,模糊了景观与物体之间的距离。 你在这个风景中迷失了,因为你不能相信你所看到的是真的。
It is the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise. A typical Northern California morning IS FILTERED BY layers of fog, BLURRING THE DISTANCE BETWEEN LANDSCAPE AND CREATURES. YOU ARE LOST IN THIS SCENERY BECAUSE YOU COULDN’T BELIEVE WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN IS TRUE.
设计这个餐厅很大一个挑战是如何利用好香格里拉酒店顶楼的这个空旷高挑的空间,使餐厅最大化利用它的层高,落地窗呈现出深圳的无敌景致。这个区域取名为 Alcove,层高13米,嚢括了吧台和酒廊。为了使Ensue主餐厅区域享有超高的落地窗,充足的光线和景致,二楼酒吧夹层退让出挑高空间,最大化高度让客人更强烈的感受到这个空间的震撼。同时也让二楼酒吧的客人可以一撇楼下的用餐环境,感受两种完全不同的氛围。
▼主餐厅,享有超高的落地窗、充足的光线和景致,二楼酒吧的客人可以一撇楼下的用餐环境,the main dining room with the full extent of the window height, light and views, the upstairs bar and lounge is provided with a balcony to observe out and down
▼主餐厅,局部二层通高,the main dining room with partial double-height space
▼主餐厅局部俯瞰,the top view of the main dining room
A big part of designing this restaurant in the space that used to be an empty, open roof of atop the Futian Shangri-La Hotel, was making the most of this incredibly tall ceiling height that was offered at the top of the building, and maximizing the existing window exposure and phenomenal views. With a total height of 13-meters (43-feet) the program was able to include an entirely new structure to accommodate a bar and lounge, now known as Alcove. So that the Main Dining Room of Ensue could maintain the full extent of the window height, the mezzanine floor was set back to allow for the light and views to filter in. As a result, the upstairs bar and lounge is provided with a balcony to observe out and down, and the two spaces become interconnected even though their aesthetic and feel are vastly different.
▼主餐厅空间细节,details of the main dining room
A custom branch light fixture hangs into the upper portion of Ensue’s double height space, and is masterfully countered over the railing above, providing a singular round lamp to illuminate the first of the lounge tables that line the railing.
▼主餐厅,挑空公共空间设有一个树枝灯饰,the main dining room, a custom branch light fixture hangs into the upper portion of Ensue’s double height space
在这个夹层空间,酒吧吧台后有一个别出心裁的设计是用折叠状的玻璃来完成的,垂直高度高达7米,这个类似折扇一样的玻璃不仅是一种外面景象的延续,同时玻璃上隐约的NAPA图景也让你有种虚幻的感受,一种又身处城市又感觉是在Napa Valley的幽静。空间主色调为浅色橡木,来映衬朝暮,晨间第一缕光,这个主题的轻盈感。在夜晚,Alcove的高峰运营时间,浅浅的橡木配上幽暗的灯光也让环境更有情调,更加私密。
Even with the mezzanine floor, an enormous 7-meter (22 feet) glass ceiling sits above the bar, whose height is enhanced by vertical glass panels with elongated linear design detail. Because of the abundance of natural light, a light wood has been used throughout to capture the essence of dawn; the first light of the day. At nighttime, during Alcove’s peak operating hours, the lightness of materials allows for exaggerated low-level lighting to create a moody and intimate setting in such an expansive space.
▼酒吧,吧台后设有折叠状的玻璃,玻璃上隐约浮现着NAPA图景,the bar whose height is enhanced by vertical glass panels with elongated linear design detail
晨露 | Private Lounge of Alcove
当大气蒸汽凝结时,夜晚在凉爽的表面形成的微小水滴。 它是清新的。 它是珍贵的。
Tiny drops of water that form on cool surfaces at night, when atmospheric vapor condenses. IT IS FRESH. IT IS PREVIOUS.
▼二层的休息空间,运用具有线条感的设计,the lounge on the second floor with more rigid and linear forms
▼二层的休息空间,配有树叶水滴灯,the lounge on the second floor with the water-drop-shaped lightings
A new design language is introduced in the second Private Dining Room, through more rigid and linear forms, and a departure from a saturation of rich tones throughout the room. Overall, the style is more relaxed featuring a lounge seating arrangement and family-style 8-seat round table, yet still maintains a level of refinement through the grand double height structure and glass surround. In this room exists the idea of Mountain Dew, named as such after the essence of Dawn. Traditional Chinese cooks would collect dew in the morning from water lilies, and make tea for their guests during the day. It is regarded as the most luxurious natural ingredient for beverages, because of its pure nature. The feature of this space is a dried leaf hanging from above. On the counter side of Mountain Dew came the inspiration of dried flora and fauna; elemental design ideas that were introduced by Chef Kostow’s direction of creating a Wabi-Sabi environment. The selection of blue as an accent grounds the space, and is representational of dew that has trickled down from the dried leaves. This juxtaposition of dried and hydrated elements.
▼二层的私人包间,设有挑高空间,the private dining room on the second floor with a double height structure
▼二层私人包间细节,details of the private dining room on the second floor
A ‘secret’ area exists on the 3rd Floor, where clients can access two private rooms from the mezzanine. Interaction with tangible design stories is important for guests, as it creates a more personal and unique experience, beyond the service of food and cocktails. It is at the highest point of the Restaurant that this notion is ultimately realized. Guests walk up a white marble stairs with custom designed railing, where each iron post forms a flower bud. Ascending the stairs with this railing in hand, is reminiscent of farmers and cooks collecting dew from their land.
▼通向三楼的白色大理石楼梯,楼梯扶手设计灵感来自花蕾,the white marble stairs that leads up to the third floor, with custom designed railing, where each iron post forms a flower bud
▼三层入口设有一个伪装的书柜,按下最左边的书书柜将缓缓挪开,阅览室暴露在人们眼前,upon arrival, the first and only feature of the landing is a disguised bookcase which leads to a reading room
▼隐藏在书柜后的阅览室,the reading room behind the bookcase
Upon arrival, the first and only feature of the landing is a bookcase, in disguise. Various objects and compartments comprise this Speakeasy Door, that operates by pressing a lone book on the far left. This leads to what is best described as a Reading Room, showcasing books on a custom display stand that allows for large books to lay open and encourage reading. The wall at which this display is located adjoins the double height space from where the dried leaf and dew fixture now hangs at eye level, and showcases a view of the Private Dining Room and falling dew, below. The second private room on this level similarly features a custom book display and lounge seating, in more traditional Chinese blue and white palette.
▼三层的另一间阅览室,隐藏在置物柜之后,the other reading room on the third floor that is hidden behind the cabinet
▼三层的另一间阅览室,用刺绣面料装点灯饰,并且用格子西装的灵感做了拼接的地毯,the other reading room on the third floor in more traditional Chinese blue and white palette
▼三层的另一间阅览室,透过玻璃窗可以看到枯叶水滴灯,the other reading room on the third floor, the dried leaf and dew fixture hangs at eye level
▼阅览室天花板照明细节,details of the lightings on the ceiling
▼一层卫生间,the bathroom of the first floor
▼餐桌细节,dining table details
▼一层平面图,1F plan
▼二层平面图,2F plan
主案设计师:邵程(Chris Shao)
照明设计:Isometric (Hong Kong) Lighting Design
其他咨询方:KC Chan from Jia Group
摄影:Common Studio: Lit Ma & Kelly Puleio Studio