本帖最后由 JKMM 于 2019-12-30 17:12 编辑
Amos Rex艺术博物馆坐落在赫尔辛基市中心,与建造于1920年代的议会大厦隔路相望,斜对面是Steven Holl设计的Kiasma博物馆。 Located in the heart of the city, Amos Rex is sited across from the 1920s classicist Parliament building and diagonally opposite the Steven Holl designed Kiasma Museum.
▼项目概览,project overview
在进入Amos Rex艺术博物馆之前首先要穿过“Lasipalatsi”(玻璃宫殿),这是一座修建于1930年代的功能主义建筑,涵盖了餐厅、商店、Bio Rex电影院以及后方的开放式广场。 Amos Rex艺术博物馆的所有展厅均位于地下:Lasipalatsi广场下方容纳了6230平方米的建筑空间,这一大胆的做法主要是考虑到了周围古典建筑敏感的历史背景。
The entrance to Amos Rex is through Lasipalatsi (“glass palace”), a distinguished 1930s Functionalist pavilion comprising restaurants, shops, the Bio Rex cinema and an open square behind it. All the new build gallery spaces of Amos Rex, however, are underground. This radical approach to designing a 6,230 square metre building below Lasipalatsi Square was driven by the historically sensitive context of the neighbouring 19th century neo-classical barracks. The listing of the barracks was contingent on the retention of the former military parade ground – now Lasipalatsi Square – as an unbuilt open public space.
▼进入博物馆之前要经过“Lasipalatsi”玻璃宫殿,the entrance to Amos Rex is through Lasipalatsi
JKMM与城市规划部门共同合作,旨在让Lasipalatsi广场作为赫尔辛基重要的城市空间继续发挥作用,同时使公众能够充分欣赏并体验Amos Rex博物馆的全新屋顶景观。造型极为独特的屋顶结构将自然光引入地下展览空间,并在地面上创造出一种前所未有的地理形态:起伏的轮廓展示了城市公园的理念,同时与既有的广场形成和谐的关系。
▼Amos Rex博物馆的全新屋顶景观,the roofscape: Amos Rex’s only visible new built elevation
JKMM worked with the City planners to determine how Lasipalatsi Square would remain as an important civic space within Helsinki while also allowing the public to enjoy Amos Rex’s only visible new built elevation, its roofscape. The solution came in the form of highly sculptural roof lights that also address the challenge of bringing daylight into the subterranean exhibition spaces. The roof lights create a new topography, their gently rolling forms playing on the idea of an urban park in keeping with the integrity of the square.
▼造型极为独特的屋顶结构将自然光引入地下展览空间,the highly sculptural roof lights address the challenge of bringing daylight into the subterranean exhibition spaces
▼天窗细部,detailed view
▼起伏的轮廓展示了城市公园的理念,the gently rolling forms play on the idea of an urban park
▼前所未有的屋顶景观,a new topography created by the roof
Inside the gallery spaces, visitors looking up to the generous steel-framed concrete skylights will feel connected to the city through JKMM’s carefully considered views opening out to the street-level above. The architects have felt it especially important for visitors to experience a sense of place, to feel located in a specific part of the city even when they are six metres below ground.
▼精心布局的窗洞能够捕获街道层的视野,visitors will feel connected to the city through the carefully considered views opening out to the street-level above
From a museum design point of view, the structure of the large domed skylights has enabled JKMM to shape a column-free 2,200 square metre exhibition hall. Curators will find this a flexible space in which to mount exhibitions. The hall’s scale is awe-inspiring with the ceiling domes, and their historical associations, creating their own particular sense of drama. The subtle quality of light in the top-lit exhibition hall is similar to that achieved through clerestory lighting.
▼无柱式展厅,column-free exhibition hall
▼高度灵活的空间, a highly flexible space
项目负责人、JKMM事务所的合伙创始人Asmo Jaaksi表示:“将芬兰1930年代的先驱建筑之一融入Amos Rex博物馆项目的一部分,是一次十分令人动容的经历。通过为Lasipalatsi增添一个大胆的新“图层”,我们得以将历史与现在连接起来。我们希望这里可以成为一个振奋人心的、属于当下的博物馆空间。Lasipalatsi和与之相邻的广场是赫尔辛基最为重要的公共空间之一,柔和起伏的圆顶将使广场变得更加受欢迎,使其成为属于城市中每一个人的场所。
Asmo Jaaksi, founding partner at JKMM who has led the Amos Rex project says, “Integrating one of Finland’s architecturally pioneering 1930s buildings – Lasipalatsi – as part of the Amos Rex project has been a moving experience. By adding a bold new layer to Lasipalatsi, we feel we are connecting past with present. We would like this to come across as a seamless extension as well as an exciting museum space very much of its time”; The square adjacent to Lasipalatsi is one of the most important public spaces in Helsinki. We hope the newly landscaped Lasipalatsi Square with its gently curving domes will be received as a welcome addition to Helsinki’s urban culture; a place everyone and anyone in the city can feel is their own.”
▼广场夜景,night view
在博物馆内部,倾斜的楼梯将展厅连接至玻璃宫殿的门厅。参观者将从1930年代的影院大门进入建筑,展现出新旧建筑之间的和谐联系。JKMM事务所还对550个座位的影厅以及玻璃宫殿的其余部分进行了修复。公众和博物馆的参观者将借此机会体验到丰富的艺术品和主流电影。电影院将由艺术机构Korjaamo负责经营,并将与Amos Rex艺术博物馆方共同策划和举办各类活动。
▼玻璃宫殿夜景,the Lasipalatsi by night
Inside the Museum, sloping stairs lead up from the exhibition hall to Lasipalatsi’s foyer where visitors enter the building through the 1930s doors of the Bio Rex cinema. This forms a harmonious connection between new and existing buildings. JKMM has restored the 550-seat cinema auditorium together with rest of the listed Lasipalatsi Pavilion. This will be open to the general public as well as to museum visitors and show both art house and mainstream films. The cinema will be operated by an arts organisation called Korjaamo who will also run film festivals and organise other events in collaboration with Amos Rex.
▼Bio Rex电影院大厅,lobby of the Bio Rex cinema
▼交通空间,cinema stair
▼影厅内部,auditorium interior view
包括玻璃宫殿在内的博物馆建筑群占地超过13000平方米。从建筑和文化的角度来看,赫尔辛基日渐丰满的城市形象对Amos Rex博物馆项目有着至关重要的影响,使其最终能够成为一个真正令人难忘的全新视觉艺术中心。博物馆馆长Kai Kartio表示:“我们的目的是打造一个充分关注艺术、同时关注艺术的生产和呈现方式的场所。内容上,Amos Rex将重点放在以下三个方面:具有实验性和技术创新性的当代艺术、20世纪的现代主义以及古代文化。”
Together with the Lasipalatsi Pavilion, the museum complex extends to just over 13,000 square metres. From an architectural and a cultural perspective, Helsinki’s evolving urban identity has been paramount in conceiving the Amos Rex project, a truly exciting new centre for the visual arts. The Museum’s Director, Kai Kartio, describes its curatorial programme, “Our guiding principle has been to create a space that takes into consideration changes in art as well as ever-evolving ways in which art is made and presented. Content-wise, Amos Rex rests on three pillars: experimental, technically innovative contemporary art; 20th century Modernism, and ancient cultures.”
▼冬天的Amos Rex艺术博物馆,Amos Rex in winter
▼黄昏的广场,view to the square in the evening
▼项目模型,project model
▼施工阶段照片,construction photo
▼总平面图,site plan
▼地下一层平面图,plan level-1
▼一层平面图,plan level 1
▼二层平面图,plan level 2
▼立面图A,facade A
▼立面图B,facade B
▼剖面图A,section A
▼剖面图B,section B
▼剖面图C,section C
项目标签 设计公司:JKMM Architects 位置:芬兰 类型:建筑 材料:木材 金属 玻璃 标签:天窗 室内设计 改造 赫尔辛基 分类:博物馆 商业建筑 展览类建筑 文化建筑 特殊地形建筑 电影院 综合体 美术馆