阳光雨露住宅由一幢被列为二级保护建筑的乔治王朝时期联排住宅改造而来。本次项目由Tonkin Liu事务所与当地匠人共同合作,通过放大建筑结构的内部特征,重塑了建筑的后院。改造后的屋子既是工作室,也是一套温馨的居所。
▼项目概览,project overview ©Tonkin Liu
The Sun Rain Room is a two-storey extension and restoration of a Grade-II Listed Georgian townhouse. The extension reframes the rear of the building by amplifying the characteristics found within its fabric. Designed and constructed by Tonkin Liu in collaboration with local craftspeople, it serves as both a studio for the practice and a home for the partners’ family.
▼住宅正立面,the front facade ©Tonkin Liu
▼俯瞰改造后的后院景观,overlooking the converted backyard landscape ©Tonkin Liu
The extension is a landscape. Animated by the sun and the rain, the landscape harbours a family of carefully selected specimen plants. The green roof, garden room, reflecting pool and sunken light well each celebrate nature in a different way. It is a place to enjoy changing weather conditions, changing seasons, and changing times of day.
▼项目模型,model ©Tonkin Liu
The extension houses overlapping domestic and studio rituals, serving both the prosaic and poetic aspects of daily life. On the ground floor a new garden room is enclosed by a curved glass wall, offering a living space for the home and a meeting space for the studio. The room spills out into a covered outdoor area containing a workshop, cooking area, potting shed, recycling bay, and store.
▼庭院内部,inside the courtyard ©Tonkin Liu
These pragmatic functions are hidden by a wall of sliding mirrors, which also conceal a deep planter for the collection of small trees growing through the green roof above. The enclosed and covered spaces look out across an open patio, below which the basement has been extended to create a new bedroom, two bathrooms, and a utility area.
▼房屋的部分功能被隐藏在一扇滑动的镜面墙后,part of the functions are hidden behind a sliding mirror wall ©Tonkin Liu
the rainwater collection system and the path of the sun to the patio ©Tonkin Liu
The perimeter walls of the rear courtyard garden support a plywood roof. The curved section of the roof is cut in plan to allow maximum light into the courtyard, following the path of the sun across the site. An etched glass staircase bridges between the patio and the house, below which an enlarged plant-filled light well brings life and light to the basement.
▼蚀刻玻璃楼梯连接了天井和住宅,an etched glass staircase connects the patio to the house ©Tonkin Liu
▼屋顶平面, roof plan ©Tonkin Liu
The roof is a thin 110mm structural shell perforated with round coffered skylights that echo the wave pattern of raindrops landing in the pool. The structure is built up in layers of CNC cut birch plywood to form a stressed-skin with an insulated core. The coffers join the upper and lower skins together and are arrayed in a diagrid to better transfer forces to the perimeter support, whilst an integrated upstand beam on the leading edge increases the span-to-depth ratio.
▼雨天的屋顶和庭院细部, roof and courtyard details ©Tonkin Liu
On the ground floor, heat-loss from the large glazed wall to the garden room is minimised by double glazed, double-laminated glass units with integral low-e coatings. By adding insulation to the party wall, and developing an innovative plywood stressed-skin roof structure with integral insulation, the space requires minimal space heating in the colder months.
▼位于地下室的卧室,the bedroom in the basement ©Tonkin Liu
▼卧室细部,details in the bedroom ©Tonkin Liu
▼位于地下室的卫生间,the bathroom in the basement ©Tonkin Liu
In the basement, the use of a new waterproof concrete structure removes the need for a secondary waterproofing system and a mechanical sump pump. The insulated box has a very high thermal performance, requiring no space heating for the majority of the year. By extending the light-well, daylighting has been significantly improved and an effective passive ventilation strategy is now possible. The green roof contributes to sustainable drainage and is planted with sedum and specimen trees to suit the local habitat and improve the biodiversity of the site. Harvested rainwater is used to fill the reflecting pool and irrigate the green roof. The sophisticated lighting system is comprised of entirely low energy LED fittings.
▼平面图,plan ©Tonkin Liu
▼立面图,elevation ©Tonkin Liu
▼剖面图,section ©Tonkin Liu
项目标签 设计公司:Tonkin Liu 位置:英国伦敦 类型:建筑 景观 材料:胶合板 玻璃 标签:伦敦 小而美的住宅 扩建 改造 分类:住宅 住宅建筑