本帖最后由 九号设计集团 于 2019-12-18 17:35 编辑
The Nature of Design
设计的本质是创造,是无中生有,设计师的工作空间是产出想法与概念的行动源头,是一个充满想像力的基地,因而,我们设计自己的工作空间是带着科幻未来感,宛如电影场景般, 道具陈设感极重,欲以层出不穷的狂想力配置出空间需求。 The nature of design is to make something out of nothing. The studio space of a designer is the source to thoughts and concepts and a site of imagination. Therefore we design our own studio like the setting for a science fiction movie with a strong sense of prop. The inexhaustible imagination lays out the spatial need.
Variationsand Expansion in Space
用两个单位元去做出多重组构与延展以因应不同空间性格;一个是方块单元,一个是曲线单元, 方块单元使用在沙发、地毯、楼梯梯面上,让方块形布在上下左右的多元向度里,拉出立体层次感,以定义出一楼空间可多重组构的开放性,如:机动性的家居配置、沙龙型的小型演讲场所与聚谈空间,并以可开阖九十度的透明钢构大门,连接延伸至室外,微暗示里外的闭合关系。
曲线单元则以黑色钢板一片片叠砌出几何形状,扭转、切割、如雕塑般有机形变出一个结合水吧、行政柜台与餐桌的大桌台。二楼工作桌则以细部卡榫接合片状钢板,以形制出宛如蝴蝶般如轻亦重的结构体,对称的造型,让工作时可移动的幅度动线更流畅。 The two units yield multiple compositions and expansions in response to distance characters. The cubic unit is applied on the couch, blanket, and steps, where the cubes covers the multi-dimensions of up and down, left and right. The stereometric layering define the openness of multiple compositions on the first floor, such as the movable lay out of the furniture, the salon area for small lecture and gathering. The transparent door with steel frame connect the inside to outside, implying the interlocking relationship between the two. The black steel panels form the curvaceous unit. The layering of geometric shapes is distorted and divided like an organic morphology of water bar, information desk, and the long dining table. The working desk on the second floor combines wood joints with steel panels. The structure looks like a butterfly that appears light and heavy at the same time. The symmetric shape facilitates the smooth circulation of workflow.
工作空间的定义 Defining the Work Space
1. 一楼公共空间,二楼为工作室,中心设计大桌子以方便讨论,所有附属机能如电子屏幕、柜子、打印机室、建材室、书籍等配置在空间周边,无设置主管办公室,每个员工可灵活走动、交流,自由选择工作场景。 2. 工作即生活:户外设置水池与大量绿化,以及室内设计厨房与餐桌,加上天花板铺设大片竹子,增添休闲感场景。 1) The first floor is the lounge. The second floor is the working area. The long table on the center facilitate the discussion. The supporting functions are laid out on the periphery, such as the LED screen, cabinet, printing room, material display room, and library. There is no director’s office. Each employee is free to walk and exchange ideas by their free choice of working area. 2) Work as life: The sense of relaxation is enhanced by the pond and greenery outdoor and the kitchen and dinning table indoor with bamboo panels on the ceiling.
材料的纯粹 The Purity of Material
本案以木头、钢构、艺术漆简单元素铺筑天地壁以作出空间纯粹感,以应合本设计公司的宗旨: 用材料本质去表达对设计的态度与纯粹感。 The use of simple elements such as wood, steel, and artistic paints achieve the purity of the space in this project. It also expresses the central mission of the company: to form the attitude and purity of design through the nature of material.
视角:大门内与外。 我们设计自己的工作空间是带着科幻未来感,宛如电影场景般, 道具陈设感极重,欲以层出不穷的狂想力配置出空间需求。
用两个单位元去做出多重组构与延展以因应不同空间性格; 其一是方块单元,使用在沙发、地毯、楼梯梯面上,让方块形布在上下左右的多元向度里,拉出立体层次感,以定义出一楼空间可多重组构的开放性。
对于工作空间的定义ㄧ: 一楼公共空间,二楼为工作室,中心设计大桌子以方便讨论,所有附属机能如电子屏幕、柜子、打印机室、建材室、书籍等配置在空间周边,无设置主管办公室,每个员工可灵活走动、交流,自由选择工作场景。
对于工作空间的定义二: 工作即生活:户外设置水池与大量绿化,以及室内设计厨房与餐桌, 加上天花板铺设大片竹子,增添休闲感场景。
/ 九号设计集团广州办公室一楼平面图
/ 九号设计集团广州办公室二楼平面图
地点:中国广州市空间形式:办公室 施工期:2019.5-2019.10 完工期:2019.10 室内坪数:一楼 200 平方米,二楼 130 平方米 (共 330 平方米) 材质:黑铁、黑色玻璃、金属网、特殊漆、天然竹子、环塑木、石英砖 设 计 单 位:九号设计集团主创设计师:李东灿 参与设计师:陈俊凯、刘晋诚