本帖最后由 肯思GAZER设计 于 2019-12-12 15:11 编辑
项目是坐落湖边的新时沏品牌master店,建筑本体简约利落,外围条件优越。 The project is a master store of Xsqtea located by the lake. The building itself is simple and neat, and the peripheral conditions are superior.
▼奶茶店鸟瞰,bird-eye’s view of the project ©salome
▼“虫洞”的概念原型,the conceptual prototype of the “wormhole” ©肯思GAZER设计事务所
▼奶茶店爆炸轴测图,exploded axon ©肯思GAZER设计事务所
This case starts the design with “wormhole” as the conceptual prototype, and meanwhile breaks the original mysterious track of “wormhole”, trying to establish the dialogue between time and space inside and outside the building. The design team sculpted the entire room with a sculpture approach. The vertical depth of the interior inclined long wall and the glass curtain wall has brought the oppositional and continuous visual orientation.
▼室内斜向长墙的纵深感和玻璃幕墙带来了对立而延续的视觉导向,the vertical depth of the interior inclined long wall and the glass curtain wall has brought the oppositional and continuous visual orientation ©salome
▼阳光与内景,the sunlight and interior scenery ©salome
▼入口处的拱形洞口,穿插于其中的灯带及吧台链接内外关系,the arch at the entrance, the light strips and bar counters intersect the internal and external relationships ©salome
▼首层空间局部,partial view of the first floor ©salome
▼乱纹不锈钢打造而成的吧台,the bar counter made of the messy stainless steel ©salome
▼原创的长桌将日出日落的具象透过渐变玻璃形成幻象,the original long table transformed the representation of sunrise and sunset through gradient glass to form an illusion ©salome(左),©肯思GAZER设计事务所 + 观泽室内设计(右)
Scenery and light present different picture on the same timeline: It has dual space expression that sunlight and interior scenery, enthusiasm and calmness, openness and compactness, social and artistic. Moreover, the two interfaces are not isolated. These two interfaces achieve spatial dialogue through hole-like modeling, interspersed in the light strips and bar counters intersect the internal and external relationships, creating a wormhole-like association. The brand of Xsqtea has an extended meaning of “sometimes”, brewing not just drinks but slowing down time. The design team used washed stone and messy stainless steel to create this artistic conception. The original long table transformed the representation of sunrise and sunset through gradient glass to form an illusion.
▼通向二层的楼梯空间,the stairs leading up to the second floor ©salome
▼二层局部,运用水洗石,the second floor with the washed stone ©salome
虽为室内空间设计,但考虑更多的是内与外、人与景、光与影、过去与现在之间的相互作用相互美好,这一种关联在本案归纳成:互为镜像。 Although it is designed for interior space, considering more relationship between internal and external, person and scene, light and shadow, the past and now. This association in the case can be concluded: mirroring.
▼室内夜景,从二层向下看,interior night view, looking down to the first floor from the second floor ©salome
▼傍晚时分的奶茶店,the project at dusk ©salome
▼首层平面布置图,1F plan ©肯思GAZER设计事务所
▼二层平面布置图,2F plan ©肯思GAZER设计事务所
项目名称:Sometimes – 新时沏概念奶茶店
概念策划 :林森