本帖最后由 ChenchowLittle 于 2019-11-25 16:36 编辑
Glebe住宅的基地位于砂岩悬崖之上,可以俯瞰悉尼城市的天际线。它位于格列伯市的内城郊区,以其维多利亚式的排屋和狭窄的街道而闻名。与悉尼郊区的平均水平相比,该地区的分配面积很小,房屋密度也很高。 The site for the Glebe House is elevated above a sandstone cliff face and overlooks the Sydney city skyline. It is located in the inner city suburb of Glebe known for its Victorian terrace houses and narrow streets. The allotments in the area are small and the density of the housing is very high compared to the average Sydney suburb. The site is overlooked by a Victorian terrace on the south and is elevated above 1980’s public housing to the north.
该场地上现有的残旧小屋被拆毁,取而代之的是新的紧凑型两层住宅,其中有四间卧室,可容纳五口之家。 The existing dilapidated cottage on the site was demolished and replaced with a new compact two-storey dwelling with four bedrooms for a family of five.
住宅的设计力求在严格的规划控制和可观的场地约束下,最大化小场地的可用空间。建筑物的围护结构是通过每个正面的最小倒退控制的简单偏移来形成的。建筑的高度受到邻近住宅窗户的视线的限制。住宅的最终形式是一个平屋顶和一个楔形,它复制了三角形块体的几何形状。 The design for the dwelling seeks to maximise the available space on the small site within stringent planning controls and considerable site constraints. The envelope of the building is shaped by the simple offset of the minimum setback controls for each frontage. The height of the building is limited by the view-lines from the windows of the neighbouring dwelling. The resulting form of the dwelling has a flat roof and a wedge shape, which replicates the geometry of the triangular shaped block.
建筑的简单围护结构以拱形开口连接,这些拱形开口参考了相邻维多利亚式排屋的拱形开口和入口门廊。与传统的维多利亚式房屋不同,Glebe住宅的拱形开口在立面和平面上都有。立面上的拱形窗户与地板上的拱形开口对齐,在空间内创造出三维的内部空间。双层通高的空间使光线最大限度地穿透住宅中心,增加空间感。螺旋楼梯遵循主要空间的弯曲形式。 The simple envelope of the building has been articulated with arched openings, which reference the arched openings and entrance portico of the neighbouring Victorian terrace house. Unlike traditional Victorian houses the arched openings in the Glebe House occur in both elevation and on plan. The arched windows on the elevation align with arched cut-outs in the floor plate to create three-dimensional internal voids within the space. The double height voids maximise light penetration into the centre of the dwelling and add to the sense of space. A spiral staircase follows the curved form of the main void.
该建筑的内部和外部覆层均采用白色烤漆的垂直木板装饰,再现了该地区传统农舍的质感。大的拱形窗户使用垂直的木竖框作为结构支撑。窗户的垂直竖框加强了立面的垂直性和韵律,有助于抽象住宅的立面。 The building has been designed with internal and external cladding of white painted vertical timber boarding which replicates the materiality of the traditional cottages of the area. The large arched windows utilise vertical timber mullions for structural support. The vertical mullions of the windows reinforce the verticality and rhythm of the cladding and help to abstract the facades of the dwelling. 后部的室外覆盖空间延续了室内空间的重要性和语言性。外部空间的拱形窗户是无玻璃的,垂直的竖框是为了给攀缘植物提供支撑。 A rear outdoor covered space continues the materiality and language of the interior spaces. The arched windows of the external space are unglazed and the vertical mullions are designed to provide support for climbing plants.
∇ 地面层平面图
∇ 一层平面图
主要项目信息 项目名称:GLEBE HOUSE