本帖最后由 主幸活1 于 2019-10-24 12:20 编辑
· 前言 ·
▏开封是河南省地级市,简称汴,古称东京、汴京,为八朝古都 。位于黄河中下游平原东部,地处河南省中东部,东与商丘相连,西与郑州毗邻,南接许昌和周口,北与新乡隔黄河相望。本案例就坐落在这历史底蕴厚重的开封古城中。
▏Kaifeng is a prefecture-level city in Henan Province, referred to as Bian for short. It was called Tokyo and Bianjing in ancient times and was the ancient capital of the Eight Dynasties. Located in the east of the plain of the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River, it is located in the middle and east of Henan Province. It is connected with Shangqiu in the east, Zhengzhou in the west, Xuchang and Zhoukou in the south, and Xinxiang in the north. This case is situated in the ancient city of Kaifeng with rich historical background.
▏To explore the absorption and innovation of tradition and create a space where modern city and Oriental Zen coexist, we integrate the traditional cultural symbols into the design life, feel the peace and leisure in it, and precipitate the taste of life in art.
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▏入门厅皆是餐厅,软装搭配用雅致的吊灯,清约自然的花卉在原木桌子蓬散。家,便是诗酒田园的安放之处。 ▏The entrance hall is full of restaurants, with elegant chandeliers for soft decoration and natural flowers scattered in the log table. Home is the place where the poetry and wine garden is located.
▏客厅是传统与现代的碰撞,自然与人文的界限,打破传统与现代的隔阂。中式风格的东方韵味与现代风格的简单素雅自然衔接,使生活的实用性和对传统文化的追求同时得到了满足。 ▏The living room is the collision of tradition and modernity, the boundary between nature and humanity, breaking the gap between tradition and modernity. The oriental charm of Chinese style and the simple and elegant natural connection of modern style make the practicality of life and the pursuit of traditional culture satisfied at the same time.
▏The selection of accessories for the master bedroom is a real enjoyment hidden in every detail.In the creation of space atmosphere, it is a simple and elegant aesthetic sense.
▏老人房的设计中加入了明黄色,那是对岁月沉淀后的方正平和。 ▏Bright yellow is added to the design of the old man's house, which is the square peace after years of precipitation. Bright yellow is added to the design of the old man's house, which is the square peace after years of precipitation.

▏The children's room chooses the furniture with special shape to make the space energetic. The cartoon dolls and pictures on the table create a bedroom suitable for children.
▏地下茶室以简净的黑白色调对话,一抹茶香,一卷典故,自然与文化的交融下,一切显得那么融洽。 ▏The underground teahouse has a simple black-and-white dialogue, a touch of tea fragrance, a volume of allusions, and everything seems so harmonious under the blend of nature and culture.
▏The fragrance in the bathroom is light amber and extremely elegant ambergris. She is independent and capable with extraordinary temperament. Neutral but not lose warmth, calm but not lose mischievous, beautiful but not lose atmosphere.
▏项目名称:康桥九溪郡样板间 Project Name: Kangqiao Jiuxi County Model Room ▏项目地点:河南开封 Project Location: Kaifeng, Henan Province ▏项目面积:146.0㎡ Project area: 146.0㎡ ▏开发商:康桥地产 Developer: Cambridge Real Estate ▏完成时间:2018 Completion time: 2018 ▏软装设计:艺境(深圳)室内设计有限公司 Software Design: Yijie (Shenzhen) Interior Design Co., Ltd.
▏TEL ▏
徐女士 157 1383 6616
▏ADDRESS ▏ 深圳:深圳市南山区蛇口街道花果山大厦A座604 郑州 : 郑东新区黄河南路祥盛街路南SOHO新干线b座705室B座715
▏EMAIL ▏ yijingsheji@126.com