本帖最后由 本则设计 于 2019-10-12 15:46 编辑
前 言 | Foreword
The lotus in the wind swaysgracefully and gives off pleasant fragrance. Sanshui Cultural Center is located by Hexiang Lake, the core area of Sanshui New Town, Foshan City.As the new cultural landmark of Sanshui City, its architectural appearanceand interior design are of high standards.
BASIC DESIGN has showed itsprofessional control ofdetails and the planning ability of large-scale projects. Considering bothaesthetic and acoustical demands in design, Mr. LiangZhide, the founder and chief designer, makes a perfect match of functionsand style. This cultural center, which can accommodate thousands of people, is created to be animportant venue for Sanshui drama performances, grand artistic performances, large-scaleconferences and so on, and it is now a new cultural name card ofFoshan city.
观荷 | 荷池漫步
The pure white architecture facade, clearand transparent large-size glass, and geometric combination givethe visual effect of modern simplicity. On this basis, images ofink-splashing landscapes and lotus in the sunny days are vividly presented,where light ink marks, charming landscape and twin lotuses blend into a whole,thus highlighting the cultural symbols of urban implication and incorporatingthe distant aesthetic conception into contemporary cultural life.
品荷 | 刚柔并济
The lobby design continues the simple white style of the building. Uponentering, one will be attracted by the smooth lines and have a generalview of the whole space. With the modern regulatory aesthetics and theminimalism design, the new interest and charm are created.
The natural light shines through thetransparent French window, through which the scenery of lotus swaying in thewind is presented, thus enabling one to embrace nature while enjoying theaesthetic pleasure. The purpose of the design is clearly revealed through thedecorations. The unique quality of the space is presented withlotus-related art works, drama-related costumes and headwear.
颂 荷 |出淤泥而不染
The theatre is designed with a total of 1,200 seats,equipped with domestic advanced audio machinery and other equipments.Architectural acoustics and room acoustics echo each other, by whicha theatre space for audio-visual feast is created.
The interior wall is of double curvedsurface. Pieces of natural and plain wood veneer constitute pieces of angularvisual sections. The layered space is of wood and red hue. The artistic soundtransmits in the dynamic space,which is quite attractive and fascinating.
The acousto-optic effects and mechanicallifting and the moving of the stage are specially designedand made, thus creating a stage space characterized by changeable styles,different forms, flexible and rich scenes. The acoustic relationship isbuilt among wood veneer, wall and floor with seamless fit, and coveredwith carpets to eliminate the noise of footsteps. Thus, itcreates a perfect acoustic theater environment and makes a balance between acoustics and aesthetics.
爱 荷 | 刚健中正,纯粹精也
"Thevisual beauty appeals to the public, while the auditory fascinates them. Thesetwo are inseparable in the design of theatre. Walkinginto it, closing your eyes, and imagining the barely audible sound ofa lotus blooming and the petals unfolding, with fragrance permeating in theair, one can feel the lingering charm of the lotus in the space. The sceneis combined with the acoustic effect, which is fresh and meaningful."
设计后记 | Postscript of Design 自风荷清雅的湖畔,步入疏阔大气的剧院内部,极简格调与优雅气质尽展其内在意蕴,设计融合了简净而优雅的美学语汇,将声光百态的美学一一铺陈,一个想象力丰富、趣味横生的艺术世界随之展开,物质与精神、写实与写意并置一处,抽象与具象、浓烈与清简各有玩味。
Walking into the gracious theatre along the elegant lotus lake, minimalist style andgraceful temperament of the space is clearly displayed. The design issimple and elegant, and makes perfect use of the aesthetics of sound and light,by which an imaginative and interesting artistic world is created. You canhave both material and spiritual pleasure here, enjoying both realistic andfreehand scenarios and getting in contact with both abstract and concreteelements.
图纸呈现 ▲ 负一层平面图
▲ 一层平面图
▲ 二层平面图
Being "the Zen master of nature and theinheritor of culture", BASIC DESIGN always adheres to the design conceptof "advocating nature, respecting tradition, tracing back to the originand being creative". The design of this case is carried out by itsexploration of the traditional culture and the combination withthe perception of natural prospect. The rich traditional humanisticculture, the elegant natural scenery and artistic conception co-exist with eachother, thus creating another cultural name card of spatial aesthetics forFoshan city.
项目名称:广东佛山三水文化活动中心大剧院 项目地址:广东 佛山 项目面积:5000.0㎡ 竣工时间:2019年9月 开 发 商:佛山三水保利鑫和房地产开发有限公司 建筑设计:筑博设计股份有限公司 景观设计:铿晓设计咨询(上海)有限公司 室内设计:本则设计 设计总监:梁智德(室内) 项目负责:黎婉莉(室内) 设计团队:萧稳航(建筑)、萧泽厚(景观)、常永远(室内)、叶淑娟(室内)
本则设计(BASIC DESIGN),建立于2013年,致力于为一线开发商提供高品位室内及软装设计服务,精装BIM体系服务,助力房地产智能化。在地产精品专案、文旅项目及精装正向BIM项目上均有不菲业绩。