▼图书馆入口,the entry of the library
▼入口门厅采用了形式感极强的天花板,一直延伸到室外;the entrance vestibule uses expressive forms to make the ceiling, extending all the way to become the exterior canopy
▼从首层开始的通高空间组成图书馆中最开放的公共空间,the three-floor high lobby is the most opened public space in the library
▼天花板上的巨大软装设计物将空间具象化,the large decorative object help to get the sense of the space
▼软装设计物细节,the details of the decorative object
▼位于二层的信息中心,the information area at the first floor
▼交通空间同时也是公共空间,提供桌椅供学生进行个人学习或少数人的团体学习;the circulation space is also public space, providing tables and seating areas for individual student or small groups
▼口袋空间提供更安静的学习空间,a pocket space, providing more quiet study space
▼平行四边形体块的一角延伸至室外成为后方出入口以及二层的口袋空间,one corner of the parallelogram extrudes out to form the access gate to the garden at the back and a pocket space on the upper floor
▼后方的室外花园,提供多处座椅;the exterior garden at the back of the building, providing multiple seating places
▼首层平面,the ground floor plan
▼二层平面,the first floor plan
▼三层平面,the second floor plan
▼正立面,the front elevation
▼剖面,the section
▼天花板造型設計3D模型,the 3D model for the ceiling design