远景为西湖的俯瞰 © Hans-Georg Esch
一座扩建后的建築刻画了杭州这座900万人口大都市的天际线。杭州国大城市广场主塔楼高130米,是重建和扩建工程的重要组成部分。国大城市广场是城市传统商業中心,其内设有购物中心和酒店及办公。gmp· 冯·格康,玛格及合伙人建築師事务所中标后获得委托,承担了项目的設計工作。
A newly extended high-rise building makes its impact on the skyline of Hangzhou, the Chinese metropolis with 9 millionin habitants. The 130-meter-high tower is part of the extension and redesign of the GDA Plaza, a business center in the traditional business quarter of the city, which includes a shopping mall and hotel. Architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), who had previously won the competition, were in charge of the design and implementation.
装有LED大屏幕的幕墙 © Hans-Georg Esch
城市环境肌理 © Hans-Georg Esch
West Lake is considered a focal point and special attraction of the old, traditional city of Hangzhou. Its exemplary cultivated landscape is an outstanding feature of this 9-million-person metropolis to the south-west of Shanghai and, in 2011, was designated a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. At Wulin Square, in the midst of the flourishing business center not far from the lake, the GDA Plaza Hotel and Business Center was reopened. As part of a redesign and extension, the existing complex with hotel and shopping mall was recreated and made into a completely new unit. The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp), who had previously won the competition in 2007, were in charge of the design and implementation. At one corner, the GDA Plaza was substantially extended by a new 28-story building with a gross floor area of 57,500 square meters, whilst the existing main building was retained as far as possible but completely reorganized. This has created additional offices and commercial premises, as well as new leisure facilities such as cinemas and restaurants.
北侧立面 © Hans-Georg Esch
The office and hotel tower faces the city and fits exactly into the corner site between Yan’an Road and Tiyuchang Road. With a height of 130 meters, the high-rise building makes an impact on the city’s skyline. With its elliptical curved form, the tower supplements the two immediately adjacent high-rise buildings: the triangular Radisson Hotel with its rounded corners, and a semicircular office building, both of approximately the same height.
建築夜景 © Hans-Georg Esch
In order to achieve a uniform architectural effect for the entire building complex, the new building has been linked withthe existing ones via a ten-story plinth. Recesses between the old and new parts of the buildings make these transitions visible. The ten-story plinth, with a gross floor area of 17,997 square meters, supplements the hotel, retail,and commercial area. All areas are flexible in use; in the new tower in particular, areas can be reconfigured from an office to hotel function at anytime. From the Radisson Hotel, the new building can be reached via direct link passages on the plinth floors. The internal circulation systems follow the geometry of the elliptical high-rise building. Behind the new shopping mall, a pedestrian route has created an additional passage through the building complex from the two main roads to the hotel. Below ground, the GDA Plaza is connected to the Metro.
形式语言统一的幕墙 © Hans-Georg Esch
The design of the facade enhances the uniform architectural effect of the entire building complex. With its curved and dynamic shape, the facade envelops the building and creates flowing transitions between the newly clad old part and the new building, as well as a harmonious link to the old Radisson Hotel tower. Two-story box-type windows with a vertical emphasis and horizontal lines provide a structure to the facade.
新旧建築之间的流畅过度 © Hans-Georg Esch
竖向的箱型窗带排列强调水平方向的秩序结构 © Hans-Georg Esch
All construction work was carried out while operation of the shopping mall and hotel continued. The construction was carried out in phases; the work on various parts of the building and the refurbishment was carried out in successive steps. This meant that the overall process took eight years.
照明設計:Hangzhou Sunlux Lighting
建築面积:149200 平方米
Competition 2007– 1st Prize
Design Meinhard von Gerkan and Nikolaus Goetze with Magdalene Weiss
Project leader competition Jörn Ortmann
Competition design team Jan Blasko, Cai Lei, Cheng Ying, Sun Ya-jin, Zhu Honghao
Project leader detail design Chen Ying, Fan Xiaodi, Huang Meng
Detail design team Mareike Asmus, Jiang Yi, Kong Rui, Claudius Lange, Mao Yuqi, Alexander Schober, Martin Seibel, Sun Ya-jin, Tian Jinghai, Wang Qing, Zhao Chonghan
Project management Cai Lei
Partner practise Zhejiang University Architecure Design & Research Institute(ZUADR)
Lighting design Hangzhou Sunlux Lighting
Client GDA Group
Planning period 2007–2013
Construction period 2011–2019
Interior construction 2017–2019
GFA 149,200.0m²
总平面图 © gmp Architekten
首层平面图 © gmp Architekten
九层平面图 © gmp Architekten
塔楼标准层平面图 © gmp Architekten
建築整体剖面图 © gmp Architekten
塔楼剖面图 © gmp Architekten