这个项目位于一个内部场地,因此去街道受到限制。虽然处于社区有机肌理中一个较深较低的位置,在其后部却可以俯看河流。在构思这个项目时,有一个内在的矛盾要处理: 虽然它位于私有肌理的深处,在某种程度上,它是突出的,因为邻居的视线也容易进入到其私人空间。为了解决这个问题,我们提出采用一个V形的平面,将可以看到河的院子放到V形的两个翅膀之间。
▼项目藏在原有的社区内部,从外面只能看到屋顶;the site is located at an inner-lot, one can only see the roof from the street
▼项目背部,the back of the project
▼社区的一些小道缝隙与住宅空间不期而遇,one might encounter the project from gaps in the neighborhood
▼住宅空间入口,the entrance of the house
▼进入住宅空间后,after entering the house
▼进入地下层的楼梯口,the staircase leading to the basement
▼首层的厨房被曲面围合,the kitchen is enclosed with curved surface on the ground floor
▼交错的曲线形楼梯让内部空间体验不同寻常,the curved staircase makes the interior space experience unusual
▼墙体和地面接触细部,details of the intersection of the wall and the floor
▼厨房另一侧的玻璃墙,场景空间空间与室外庭院仿佛连成一体;the glass wall at the other side, connecting the interior space with the exterior yard
▼室外庭院一览,the exterior yard
▼楼梯处有着最复杂的曲线几何,the staircases have the most complex curved geometry
▼楼梯细部,details of the staircase
▼曲面交错形成了奇异的造型,the curved surfaces intersect to form grotesque shapes
▼顺着楼梯上到二层,landing on the first floor
▼屋顶的复杂几何也让人着迷,the geometry of the roof attracts people
▼二层主卧空间,the main bedroom on the first floor
▼主卧的卫生间,the bathroom of the main bedroom
▼二层次卧空间,the other bedroom on the first floor
▼3D打印模型,3D printed model
▼設計最初手稿,the initial concept sketch
▼体量方向的設計策略,primitive strategies for volume orientation
▼项目与周边的关系,the relationship between the project and its sourroundings
▼轴测爆炸图,exploded interior diagram
▼基地平面,the site plan
▼地下层平面,the basement plan
▼首层平面,the ground floor plan
▼二层平面,the first floor plan
▼剖面A,section A
▼剖面B,section B