▼入口处的开放式厨房是空间的起点,open kitchen at the entrance is the beginning of the space
▼厨房旁有储物功能的走廊连接客廳,wide corridor with storage space continued to the living space
▼客廳及开放的工作空间,后部是通往跃层的楼梯,通透的栏板設計让阳光可以射入场景空间,Living space with open study room, at the back is the staircase to the mezzanine floor. The hollowed design of the banister allows sunlight to go in.
▼厨房与客廳及臥室采用对角布置,视线相通,diagonal arrangement of the kitchen, living space and bedroom creates visual contact between different spaces
▼料理台上的镜子让人可以从厨房同时看到客廳和臥室,the mirror on the operation table allows people to have a glimpse of the living space and bedroom simultaneously