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萨尔瓦多·达利与以右的魔幻之夜 The fantasy night of Salvador Dali and YiYou
你在过去,我在这里。 千百年前,我们相距在光年之间。那边,我未曾去过。这里,你未曾来过。消失后传送的影像,让我看到了你。你知道我在这里。
You were in the past, I am here. There were light years between you and me thousand and thousand years ago. I have not been there, you have not been here. I saw you because of the transmission video after the disappearance. You know I am here.
魔幻与现实。 在蕨类和棕榈科植物中间,静静的晨光下,赫然停着一艘覆满尘埃的白色西班牙的大帆船。船向右侧微倾,完好无损的桅杆上还残留着肮脏零落的船帆,缆索上有兰花绽放点缀其间。船身覆盖着一层由石化的鮣鱼和柔软的苔藓构成的光润护甲,牢牢地嵌在乱石地里。整艘船仿佛占据着一个独特的空间,属于孤独和遗忘的空间,远离时光的侵蚀,避开飞鸟的骚扰。远征者们在船内仔细探查,却发现里面空无一物,只见一处鲜花丛林密密层层地盛开。——马尔克斯《百年孤独》 Fantasy and reality A white dusty Spanish galleon stand between amid ferns and palm-trees in the quiet morning light. The ship leans slightly to the right, there is still shabby sail rest on the Intact mast, the cables are dotted with flowering orchids. The body of the boat is covered with a smooth armor of petrified echeneis naucrates and soft moss, embedded firmly in the rocky earth. The whole ship seems to occupy a unique space belongs to a space with loneliness and oblivion which avoid from the erosion of time and the harassment of birds. When the expedition explored the interior, they found nothing but only a jungle of flowers in full bloom. ——'One Hundred Years Of Solitude’ by Marquez.
黑暗的光明。 光是神的泪水与慈悲,是繁星碎片的留影。宇宙微波的背景,是宇宙中最古老的光。浪漫主义的灵魂,诞生了神话般的光芒。用光丈量黑暗的时间和空间,感受光在宇宙深处耀眼。神把光融在了黑色里。
Light in the darkness Light is the tears and mercy of god, the shadow of the fragment of the star. The background of universal microwave is the oldest light in the universe. The soul of romanticism produces a fabulous light. Measure the time and space of darkness with light, feel the light shining in the deep universe. God melted the light into darkness.
理想的荒诞。 我所能做的一切,就是要展示即使是在一个没有上帝的世界里,也能够产生丰富的行为方式,独自处于宇宙中的人仍然能够创造他自己的价值。我认为这就是,这个时代摆在我们面前的唯一问题。——阿尔贝·加缪
The ideal absurdity Everything I am available is that even a world without a god can also produce rich behavior styles and a man stay on the universe alone can also create his own value. I think that is the only problem we are facing to in this era. ——Albert Camus
一天晩上我沿着小路漫步,路的一边是城市,另一边在我的下方是峡湾。我又累又病,停步朝峡湾那一边眺望,太阳正落山,云被染得红红的,像血一样。我感到一声刺耳的尖叫穿过天地间;我仿佛可以听到这一尖叫的声音。我画下了这幅画,画了那些像真的血一样的云。那些色彩在尖叫。——爱德华.蒙克 One evening I walked along the path, A city on one side and a fiord below me on the other side. I suffered from exhaustion and illness, then stopped to look across the fiord. The sun was going down and the clouds were painted in red as blood. I felt a sharp shout went between heaven and the land; I could hear the voice of the scream. I painted this picture, the clouds which really seemed like blood. The colors are screaming. —— Edvard Munch
一个人的呐喊。 在无垠的宇宙中,动荡扭动;视觉与听觉的无维渗透,一种永恒的震慑心灵的力量;象征性的灵魂与内心世界毫无掩饰的传达。
A human voice In the boundless universe, turmoil and twist, the dimensionless penetration of vision and hearing, a kind of immortal and shocked power; the communication without disguise between Symbolic soul and inner world.
项目名称:703魔幻公寓 设计师: 以右 项目地址:宁波 项目面积:220M2 设计公司:上海粉豆建筑设计咨询有限公司 联系人: 孙小姐 张先生 联系方式:18658243667 18658243665
Project Name: 703 Magic Apartment Designer:YiYou Project address:Ning bo Project area:220m2 Design Company:Shanghai FD Architectural Design Consulting Co., Ltd. Contacts:Ms. Sun Mr. Zhang Telephone:18658243667 18658243665