米兰設計周每年汇集了全球顶級的設計理念与設計成果,被誉为世界設計潮流的 “风向标”。在为期一周的时间里,米兰成为全球的設計之都,向全世界展示未来一年的最新設計趋势。2019年4月份的米兰展上,蔡烈超工作室推出了独立个展。那次展览,马扎灯第一次亮相。
Mazha Lighting System was inspired by the structure of the traditional Chinese ‘Mazha’ seat‘ coupled with the designer’s wish to create a modular extension of a lighting installation. Mario Tsai studio solo exhibition in Hangzhou is a breakthrough and extension of the shape of the Mazha Lighting System, in order to reflect the infinite transformation properties.
The combination form that can be extended indefinitely is based on breaking the conventional circuit and structure design. The wires are subtly hidden into the hanging thread of the lighting system. Based on the system’s 12V safe voltage supply, the exposed metal parts of the lighting system are also designed as part of the circuit, thus forming a modular structure system that is nherently complex but simple in appearance.
On the other hand, this design is a further exploration of the designer’s sustainable design concept. A closer look at the various components of the product reveals that the designer does not have the intent to hide the structure, and each component is extremely fine and independent. The advantage of this is that when a component of a product is broken and needs to be replaced, it only needs to replace the node without having to replace the entire lighting system.
马扎灯1.0 零部件
马扎灯1.0 通电原理
得益于X 形的结构設計,马扎灯1.0 可以在三维方向上延伸。阵列的组合方式可以让有限的体量呈现出无限的视觉张力,所以马扎灯1.0 非常适合在大体量的空间环境里应用。
Benefit from the X-shaped structural design, Mazha 1.0 can be extended in three dimensions. A limited number of tubes can achieve an unlimited amount of visual tension through array combinations, so Mazha 1.0 is ideal for use in large space environments.
不同于马扎灯1.0 突出的体量感,马扎灯2.0 意在创造一种轻盈的视觉感受。柔软的丝线与硬质的灯管的关系,好似韧带与骨骼,相互连接、支撑,构成一张或伶俐或巨大的光网。
Unlike the sense of volume of Mazha1.0, Mazha 2.0 is intended to create a light visual experience. The relationship between the soft wires and the hard tubes are like ligaments and bones, connected to each other and support with each other to forming a piece of small or huge optical network.
马扎灯2.0 零部件
这样的平面延伸结构,让马扎灯2.0 不仅可以作为吊灯使用,同时可以用作贴近墙面的灯光装置,也可以用作空间的软分隔结构。
Such a plane extension structure allows Mazha 2.0 to be used not only as a ceiling light, but also as a light fixture close to the wall, or as a soft partition structure for the space.
主办方:LINEPARK / 蔡烈超工作室
展览时间:2019.6.16-30 10:00-18:00
展览地址:杭州市西湖区留和路139 号东信和创园11 幢LINEPARK
蔡烈超工作室「MARIO TSAI STUDIO」于2014年夏成立于杭州,是一家以設計思维输出为核心,探索材料潜在属性和新的应用方式,坚持可持续化設計方式的研究型設計工作室。
蔡烈超工作室的設計服务不仅仅局限于产品設計领域,更希望以开放的心态为来自不同领域的客户输出具有前端設計思维的解决方式。蔡烈超工作室提供家俱設計、工业产品設計、艺术装置設計和场景空间設計等設計服务,同样为品牌提供品牌策略和艺术指导等咨询服务。目前已经为来自中国、意大利、丹麦和挪威的品牌和客户提供过設計和品牌咨询服务,客户包括上下、造作、野兽派、Ferm living、Woud等等。2015年至今持续在米兰設計周、斯德哥尔摩家俱展等全球顶級展会中展出,2017年蔡烈超被提名为斯德哥尔摩家俱展“Rising Star”。