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喜茶-郑州正弘城茶空间店 HEYTEA at Zhengzhou Grand Emporium
水墨印象的立体化呈现 Ink and Wash Impression in Dimension
饮茶自从汉代出现以来,时至今日其作为传统文化之一依旧在中国人的生活中扮演着极为重要的角色。从传统的茶道到年轻人喜爱的新式茶饮“喜茶”, MOC DESIGN从这些变化中看到传统文化随着时代推进而催生出新的形式的更多可能。 As a traditionalculture since Han Dynasty, tea drinking still plays an important part inChinese people’s daily life. From the traditional Chinese tea ceremony to youngpeople’s favorite tea drink brand HEYTEA, MOC DESIGN witnessed that traditionalculture had stimulated many new forms as the advancement of the time.
在这个茶饮空间中,MOC DESIGN通过将中国传统书法艺术用年轻人更关注的现代手段重构,探索传统书法艺术在新时代语境下的可能性,从而达成空间设计与喜茶在品牌精神的高度契合。 In this tea drinkingspace, a modern approach, which is more related to young people, is employed toreshape Chinese traditional calligraphy and explore the possibility ofcalligraphy in the context of new era, achieving the high-level integration betweenthe space design and HEYTEA's brand spirit.
Glass facade to see through theindoor installation
茶助文人思。 Tea has inspired theliterati for thousands of years.
茶是中国古代文人交流时必不可少的饮品,亦是挥洒水墨之际,激发灵感的妙物。 中国的书法艺术以水和墨为介质,讲究的是在简单的线条中传递丰富的精神内核,正如茶一般,总能品出不同的况味。
Tea is not only anessential drink in the social occasions among Chinese ancient intellectuals,but also the spontaneous inspiration for ink and wash improvisation.
The medium forChinese art of calligraphy is water and ink and it is particular about the richspiritual core delivered in the simple lines, just like tea offering differenttastes.
艺术装置,Art Installation
装置概念演化说明,Evolution of the Installation Concept
书法的基本元素是笔触。落墨或干或湿、或浓或淡、或遒劲或悠扬,期间蕴含无尽的内涵。 The basic elementof calligraphy is stroke. The stroke, either dry or wet, strong or light, steepor gentle, carries significant meanings.
MOC DESIGN将书法艺术中水墨笔触的印象,以艺术装置的形式在空间中立体化呈现。 The design teamvividly transformed ink-wash strokes in calligraphy into the art installation inthe space.
白色的空间为纸,悬浮于空间中的黑色竹子构成的艺术装置,如同在三维空间中落笔挥毫。 With the whitespace as paper, the black bamboos are hung up in the air, just like the brushtouch in a three-dimensional space.
装置细节,Art Installation Details
装置细节,Art Installation Details
墙面设计概念演化,Evolution of the Wall Design Concept
黑色竹子构成的笔触艺术装置,“悬浮”于白色的空间中 Black bamboos consisting of thebrush touch installation and hanging in the white space
通过竹子的疏密排列,构成浓淡相宜的立体笔触 The density interaction anddisposition of the bamboos construct the color shades of the stroke.
座位区 Seating area
装置细节 Installation details
设计细节,Design Details
随着时代不断前行,当新式茶饮延续了茶文化的生命,MOC DESIGN也与喜茶一道探寻传统文化与当下年轻人连接的更多可能。 As time goes on,new-style tea drinking extends the life of tea culture. Together with HEYTEA, MOCDESIGN worked to explore more possibilities to connect the traditional culturewith young generations.
项目名称:喜茶郑州正弘城茶空间店 主创设计师:吴岫微,梁宁森 设计周期:2018.8-2018.9 竣工:2018.11 项目地址:郑州花园路与东风路交汇处正弘城一层 面积:250 m2 主材:白色铝单板,竹子,镜面不锈钢 业主:喜茶 装置制作:藝和園 摄影师:直译建筑摄影
Project Name: HEYTEAat Zhengzhou Grand Emporium Chief Designers: ViviWu, Sam Liang Design Phase: August2018 – September 2018 Completion: November2018 Location:Zhengzhou, China Area: 250 m2 Materials: Whitelacquered aluminum sheet / Bamboo / Mirrored stainless steel Client: HEYTEA InstallationProduction: YOHO Art Studio Photography: ArchiTranslator