近日,知名设计奖项意大利A’Design Awards发布2018-2019届大赛获奖作品,道胜设计分别凭借保利芳华苑销售中心以及 MAYS 餐厅从全球超过180个国家的参赛作品中脱颖而出,荣获Interior Space and Exhibition Design室内空间与展示设计类别双银奖,这已经是道胜设计第三次荣获意大利A’Design设计大奖荣誉。
Recently, the well-known design award A'Design Awards of Italy released the winners of the 2018-2019 competition. DAOSHENG DESIGN has won the Interior Space and Exhibition Design Silver Award for its interior space and exhibition design category through the Glorious Youth Sales Center. This is the third time that Daosheng Design has won the A'Design Award in Italy.
The competition has received more than 20,000 design works from around the world. After fair and impartial anonymous evaluation and careful evaluation by professional judges, only 3-5% of the works become the winners of the competition.
获奖作品 | Awarded Works 保利芳华苑销售中心 Glorious Youth Sales Center
Designers try to break the shackles of the commercial design of sales centers and look for the beauty of art on the basis of humanities. Bookstores are set up in the sales department to be dedicated to book lovers. Art sculpture can be seen everywhere in space, and aesthetic conception can be placed in pure space.
项目信息 Project Information
项目名称 | Entry Name 保利芳华苑销售中心 Glorious Youth Sales Center 项目业主 | Customer 保利发展控股集团股份有限公司 Poly Development Holding Group co. LTD 室内设计 | Interior Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN 软装设计 | Soft Outfit Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN
设计总监 | Design Director 何永明 | YongMing He 摄影 | Photographer 彭宇宪 | Peng Yu Xian
获奖作品 | Awarded Works MAYS 餐厅 MAYS RESTAURANT
Designers simplify, derive and create the shape of the roots, branches and leaves of natural plants by extracting the morphological veins of the roots, branches and leaves as elements, so as to construct smooth natural lines and eventually form new design symbols, thus reflecting a larger imaginary world.
项目信息 Project Information
项目名称 | Entry Name MAYS西式餐厅
MAYS RESTAURANT 项目业主 | Customer 广州臻谷餐饮投资有限公司 Guangzhou Zhengu Catering Investment co. LTD 室内设计 | Interior Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN 软装设计 | Soft Outfit Design 广州道胜设计有限公司 | DAOSHENG DESIGN
设计总监 | Design Director 何永明 | YongMing He 摄影 | Photographer 彭宇宪 | Peng Yu Xian
关于意大利A'Design Awards
ABOUT A'Design Awards
意大利A'Design Awards设计大奖赛是全球领先的国际年度设计比赛,被誉为“欧洲设计界奥斯卡”。它是一项被国际平面设计协会联合会ICOGRADA、欧洲设计协会 BEDA所认可的国际赛事。
同时,它也是ICSID(国际工业设计协会), ICOGRADA (国际平面设计协会)& ADI(意大利工业设计协会) 的成员组织。荣获意大利A’Design设计大奖,象征着设计师在产品、项目和服务方面的卓越设计。
Italian A'Design Awards Design Grand Prix is the world's leading international annual design competition, known as the "European Design Oscar". It is an international competition recognized by ICOGRADA and BEDA. At the same time, it is also a member organization of ICSID (International Industrial Design Association), ICOGRADA (International Graphic Design Association) & ADI (Italian Industrial Design Association). Awarded the Italian A'Design Design Award, which symbolizes the designer's outstanding design in products, projects and services.
道胜设计(DAOSHENG DESIGN)二零零三年成立,广州道胜设计有限公司及何永明(Tony Ho)设计师事务所一直追求创意、实用优质的设计业职,设计师均为专业及经验丰富的建筑及室内设计师,设计范畴包括室内设计、建筑设计以及家具设计。建筑设计项目主要包括南昆山云天海原始森林度假村.墀文苑住宅等。室内设计范畴则遍及会所、样板房、营销中心,办公室、商场、酒店、餐厅及酒吧等。凭着卓越的成就,道胜设计屡获殊荣,多年来备受各界权威人士、本地传媒推崇。道胜所设计的项目遍布各大城市,以现代主义精神与热情为设计注入完美无瑕的风格和创新能量。凭着丰富的专业知识与工程经验,透过整合建筑、室内设计、视觉图像和室内布置,每一次新作皆创造出独特的感官魅力与欢愉的空间气氛。 以高质量的设计作为目标,利用设计团队的力量,打造的设计品牌。这有助于我们为客户洞悉市场先机、策划项目的定位,以严谨的优质设计管理,透过高品质的现代设计手法呈现项目的精髓,与客户相得益彰。企业理念用创意创造生意.以人为本.美化空间,点线面组成三维的空间:人作为空间的主人,为三维的空间延伸触感,贯通内在与外在的世界。