The Furniture Makers Company announces the winners of this year’s Design Guild Mark – an award that celebrates excellence in British design. Pictured: ‘Day Bed Four’, from Series Four, by Another Country
这个巨大的选择被缩减为34个行会标志,包括为赫尔曼·米勒(Herman Miller)设计的“基恩家族”(Keyn Family)任务椅;以及年轻设计师查尔斯·德德曼(Charles Dedman)的“特纳·卡弗”(Turner Carver)椅子,最初作为原型推出,后来由SittingFirm公司推出。
皇家艺术学院(RCA)的海伦·哈姆林(Helen Hamlyn)设计教授杰里米·迈尔森(Jeremy Myerson)法官指出,今年申请者之间的差异很大:“工作场所家具的设计质量有明显的口音,这表明办公室和热情之间的界限模糊了。”这种转变体现在许多设计上:塞巴斯蒂安·康兰(Sebastian Conran)的工作站使用了日本地区的吉夫(Gifu)工艺,而另一个国家的农舍式餐厅的收藏吸引了评委们,因为他们把英国的一个小乡村带入了现代家庭。
这里有一系列很棒的木制设计,其中包括纳塔莉·德莱瓦尔(Nathalie De Leval)的两张标杆作品,还有马修·希尔顿(Matthew Hilton)的适应性书桌,以及戴维·欧文(David Irwin)为凯斯家具设计的精致折叠式木椅。
21岁的联合创始人西蒙·奥尔德森(Simon Alderson)评论道:“2017年申请人的素质极高,在一个引人入胜的日子里,人们会对各种字体、材料和程序进行评判。”英国设计的活力和质量仍然保持在良好的健康状态,设计协会马克承认这一点。互动评判过程允许设计师和评审小组之间的沟通水平,对所有各方都是有教育意义和激励作用的。
Left, ‘Turner carver’ (in black ash), by Charles Dedman, for Sitting Firm. Right, ‘Orbit’ wall mount by Rodney Kinsman for OMK 1965
‘Keyn Family’, by Forpeople, for Herman Miller won the Most Outstanding Britsh design award in the DGM, The Jonathan Hindle Prize
Left, ‘Robin Day’ armchair, by Robin Day, for Hille. Right, ‘Krusin Chair’ by Marc Krusin for Knoll
Another Country’s Series Four mastered the art of bringing farmhouse style dining into a contemporary environment. Pictured, ‘Dining Table Four’ and ‘Bench Four’, from Series Four, by Another Country
David Irwin refined the concept of the folding chair with his ‘Narin’ chairs, for Case Furniture
Many classic designs featured in this year, including ‘Multidrawer’ by Frederick Brown for Bisley
‘Floating Bench’, by Simon Pirie, for Sitting Spiritually Ltd
Samuel Chan showcased expert woodwork in his contemporary bookshelf for Channels, titled ‘Mr Knock 1’
‘Tailor’ chest of drawers and tallboy, by Nathalie de Leval, for Benchmark
keywords:British design