The Modern Danish Warehouse pop-up store in London features vintage finds and rare items once used in Danish schools
西格马尔(Sigmar)和DMW创始人尼娜·赫蒂格(Nina Hertig)说,第一家现代丹麦仓库几乎是作为一个实验进行的,但我们知道我们想再做一次对我们来说,这是一个游乐场。它的临时性质给了我们很大的自由,但最重要的是,我们想要展示的是,丹麦制造得很好、很漂亮、很经典的大量家具;我们可以极具竞争力的价格购买家具。
DMW的亮点包括Jacobsen为他的有影响力的Munkegaard学校项目(1956年)创建的原始家具;一家机构Hertig很幸运地在孩提时代就参加了这一项目,最近当地公司Dorte MandL.10进行了一次广泛讨论的改造和扩展。最初的学校是位于哥本哈根郊区Dyssegaard的一个低网格结构,是一个典型的现代主义的实验性和创新性的学校建筑。这座建筑由24间展馆式教室组成,通过平行走廊系统相互连接,是一种独创的学校原型,配有强大的调色板、定制的配件和细节,使其成为一种真正独特的建筑体验。
A small selection of the over 200 items available to purchase at the pop-up store
Mid-century cabinets and stools
The school theme extends from old blackboards and maps to school desks
All items are finished to typically Danish, exacting standards
1950s green leather armchair by Fritz Henningsen
Green Magnus Olesen armchair
The side facade of the Danish institution that inspired the pop-up store: the Munkegaard School
The Jacobsen designed school's main courtyard
The courtyard gives glimpses of the new underground extension by local firm, Dorte Mandrup, via two light wells
One of the internal courtyards, created by the grid formed by the classrooms and the corridors
Jacobsen specified different plants and garden designs for each internal courtyard
The last series of classrooms look towards the teacher's assembly room, on the right
Light also flows into the school from skylights on the roof
The corridors are brightly coloured according to Jacobsen's specified scheme
The School's extension was built underground, so as to have as little impact on the original building as possible
The Dorte Mandrup extension is only visible from the outside through the big light wells in the main courtyard
A light well, seen from below
The extension was designed to be simple but clearly different to the old school
The extension's clean bright spaces are used for after school clubs and activities
The main assembly room features curtains with original Arne Jacobsen prints
The Munkegaard School extension's bathroom area, also complete with Arne Jacobsen nature-inspired prints
The Munkegaard School's main assembly room, restored by Dorte Mandrup Architects to its former glory, using the original Jacobsen colour palette
The brand new store in central Copenhagen of Playtype, a contributor to this year's edition of the Modern Danish Warehouse
Playtype stock a range of products created in-house and inspired by their fonts
Playtype's contributions to the Modern Danish Warehouse
keywords:Danish design and architecture, Arne Jacobsen
关键词:丹麦设计和建筑,Arne Jacobsen