'Landscape' shelves by Sandeep Sangaru for Sangaru Design Studio Photography: Fram Petit
在东北地区的特里普拉(Tripura),一个种植竹子的州,年轻的设计师们正在开发简单的产品,将硬件的使用降到最低限度,这些产品来自当地,并发展当地的技能。丽贝卡·鲁本斯(Rebecca Reubens)是与古吉拉特邦Kotwalia社区合作的一家社会设计公司的负责人,她进一步推动了该项目,她开设了自己的零售店“竹冠”,为这些社区远离的城市市场提供了一条重要的纽带。
这项运动得到艾哈迈达巴德国家设计研究所的设计方案的支持,该研究所近年来产生了大批设计师,其中包括San深处Sangaru、Andrea Noronha、Manali Beri、Rajiv Jassal、Garima Aggarwal和M P Ranjan,他们都在创新竹子的新技术。
'The Tree' bookcase by Sandeep Sangaru for Sangaru Design Studio
'Flying bird' coat hanger by Rajiv Jassal, from the National Institute of Design, India
'Bo' table lamp by Andrea Noronha from the National Institute of Design, India
Laminated stool by Manali Beri from the National Institute of Design, India
Tripod stool by Garima Aggarwal from the National Institute of Design, India
Cube stool by M P Ranjan from the National Institute of Design, India
'Tessellation' coaster by Rhizome, from Bamboo Canopy
'Kids' hanger by Rhizome, from Bamboo Canopy
Bamboo pillar candle holder by Rhizome, from Bamboo Canopy
'Bar mitzvah' bamboo stopper candle stand on reused bottle by Rhizome, from Bamboo Canopy
'Branch' hat stand by Rhizome, from Bamboo Canopy
keywords:Reborn in India