Nineteen names from the spheres of architecture, design and graphics were invited to create customised editions of Anglepoise’s 'Type75 Mini' desk lamp and Ercol's 'Stacking Chair' for an exhibition hosted to support charity Teddy's Wish. Pictured is Faye Toogood's bespoke Ercol chair
由英国设计师Anthony Dickens策划的“儿童梦”是一个专门纪念Edward Louis Reid的展览,DesignCouth-Calm Deborah Spencer的三个月大的侄子今年早些时候不幸去世了。为了纪念他的短暂生命,这个家庭设立了泰迪的愿望,一个致力于筹集资金研究SID(婴儿猝死综合症)、新生儿死亡和死产的原因的慈善机构,并为受影响家庭提供支持。
Curated by British designer Anthony Dickens, ‘A Child’s Dream’ is an exhibition dedicated to the memory of Edward Louis Reid, Designjunction director Deborah Spencer’s three-month-old nephew who tragically passed away earlier this year. Samuel Wilkinson used the technique of pointillism for his interpretation of the Anglepoise lamp, decorating the lamp with thousands of dots that graduate from a green base up to a black stem
Wilkinson also reinterpreted Ercol's chair as a representation of a 'magic, fabled animal - each leg of the chair has a foot from a different creature painted in a red rubbery finish
Paul Cocksedge drew inspiration from the lamp's anthropomorphic qualities, configuring his pieces to light up only when the shades touch
Explains Benjamin Hubert of his creation: 'The Anglepoise is covered in random flicked ink from Posta markers. As a designer you are often trying to avoid excess ink when sketching - the lamp celebrates this accidental effect'
A detail of Hubert's Anglepoise lamp
Ab Rogers imagined a bold, blue rocking chair for Ercol
Wallpaper's Editor-in-Chief Tony Chambers opted for a dreamy, ethereal feel for his Anglepoise lamp by spraying the inside of the lampshade in a pale sky-blue
He also made a mask of the lamp's elegantly design ventilation holes before spraying through it, which he explains, 'made a beautiful impression on the lamp's base - just as Edward made a beautiful, lasting impression during his short stay here'
Tom Dixon encased Ercol's 'Stacking Chair' in copper
A detail of Dixon's customised Ercol chair
Bethan Gray's Angelpoise lamp is adorned in geometric gold bands to celebrate the affinity that babies have with glossy, reflective surfaces
Sir Terence Conran's lamp features a playful doodle
keywords:A Child's Dream, Teddy's Wish Charity, ercol, Anglepoise, design classics, designjunction 2014, London Design Festival 2014