Designer Alfredo Häberli has paid tribute to Giandomenico Belotti's iconic Spaghetti Chair, creating seven new interpretations of the original for its 25th anniversary
意大利面主席回来了。意大利建筑师詹多梅尼科·贝洛蒂的标志性设计得到了设计师阿尔弗雷多·哈伯利(Alfredo H Berli)的礼遇,他修改了这一概念,并对其主题进行了七种变体。
‘The Spaghetti Chair intrigued me right away,’ says Häberlil. ‘So light, graphic and radical, pared down to the minimum, comfortable and smart.’ He cites the original’s proportions and materials as the inspiration for reworking the design
Delivered in total black, each piece bears fresh design details while also paying homage to Belotti’s design intuition
Each of the seven chairs plays on the original’s recognisable structure and proportions
Each of Häberli’s interpretations is infused with the designer’s humourous touch, while staying faithful to the iconic original
keywords:Alfredo Häberli, Giandomenico Belotti, Alias, Alias design, Spaghetti chair, design
关键词:Alfredo H berli,Giandomenico Belotti,Alias,Alias设计,Spaghetti椅子,设计
意大利面主席回来了。意大利建筑师詹多梅尼科·贝洛蒂的标志性设计得到了设计师阿尔弗雷多·哈伯利(Alfredo H Berli)的礼遇,他修改了这一概念,并对其主题进行了七种变体。椅子上写着.。