A new retrospective at the Design Museum Helsinki celebrates Finnish design legend Eero Aarnio. Pictured: installation view at Design Museum Helsinki. Photography: Paavo Lehtonen
从电影明星到总统,这把“球类”椅子在全球范围内热销,很快就成了20世纪60年代风格的一个国际公认的象征,更不用说无数杂志的封面明星,从“商业文摘”(Business Digest)到“花花公子”(Playboy),其中大部分现在都被拼贴在赫尔辛基郊外阿尔尼奥湖边住宅的墙上。
与以往一样忙碌的是,奥尼尔2016年在芬兰赫尔辛基设计博物馆开幕了他的第一次回顾展,这是一个特别多事之秋的开始。展览由设计博物馆(Design Museum)首席馆长苏维·萨洛尼米(Suvi Saloniemi)策划,由维尔·科科宁(Ville Kokkonen)和弗洛伦西亚·科伦坡(Florencia科伦坡)设计。展览占据了博物馆的一楼,在开放式中央画廊空间和四个较小的毗邻画廊中描绘了奥尔尼欧的生活,这些画廊专注于思维、时间表、制作和工艺等
Eero Aarnio has enjoyed a long and illustrious career in design that dates back to the 1950s, as seen in these early archive images – pictured right is an illustration from 1956
A hit with everyone from movie stars to presidents, the 'Ball' chair sold in its thousands across the globe, quickly becoming an internationally recognised symbol of 1960s style. Photography: Paavo Lehtonen
Eero Aarnio with his 'Pastille' chair, in his studio in 1968. Courtesy Pirkko Aarnio
Aarnio's big break came in the early 1960s when, as a freshly minted freelance designer, he came up with an idea for a ball-shaped fibreglass chair that would go on to challenge the world’s perception of what furniture could look like. Pictured: an Aarnio sketch dating back to 1971
Upon arrival at the exhibition, at the top of the stairwell, visitors are greeted by Aarnio’s giant plastic animals that appear to be roaming free across the gallery. Pictured: 'Peacock Ruukku', 2012. Courtesy Vondom
Remarkably full of energy at 83 years of age and still producing designs for companies such as Magis, Alessi, and Artek, Aarnio attributes his enduring success to ‘good sleep, good food and good exercise’. Pictured: Eero Aarnio in Muotokuva, 2013. Courtesy Marjukka Tormi
keywords:Helsinki, Furniture design