Maison et Objet's September edition offered up a digestible smorgasbord of new product, with exhibitors coming from near and far. Pictured: notable newcomer Charlotte Juillard created a bed table and mirror with all the panache of a modern day Perriand
这个周末,麦森和奥巴杰面临挑战。它在法国的“返校”日(La Rentrée)拉开序幕,许多人拖着他们那条沙质的腿回去工作,在蓝天下,在30度的高温下,在巴黎博览会的阴凉大厅里,需要有一些非常好的东西。
虽然9月份的展示会比一月的展览更简洁,但它还是提供了一大批可消化的新产品,参展商来自远近韩国、台湾和日本;波斯尼亚(木雕专家zanat与Ilse Crawford合作)、土耳其(Mèz发明了一个带有磁性旋钮的烹饪壶)和波兰(新公司Tre继续发展壮大)获得了一个新的外观。在法国本土市场与丹麦设计师争夺主导地位的同时,丹麦设计师也一如既往地群聚而下。
在巴黎附近的商店、画廊和博物馆的卫星展览继续增加(为参展者提供一点巴黎阳光),并邀请大批年轻设计师和设计学校在Citéde la Mode的绿色遮阳篷后展示。
来自麦迪逊家草坪的新名人包括Charlotte Juillard,她在2014建立了自己的工作室,并为这场演出创造了一张床头柜和镜子,具有现代佩里安的所有美感,而年轻建筑师Pierre Mouton和Baptiste Chamourat,统称为H。艾芙把脚趾放在设计舞台上,收藏了一套钢家具,包括书桌、椅子和架子。他们似乎已经重新开始了对钢铁的兴趣,这是家具的一个特点(而不是一个组成部分),和米莎·L·维尔海登一起,他们推出了新的钢椅和皮椅。
加入丹麦主食菜单,诺曼哥本哈根,由拉森,诺米斯和伊娃索洛是一批相对较新的巴黎现场。其中包括Moebe,他利用木材和弹性来制作实用的小型设计;Handv rk,由前电视节目主持人埃米尔·索鲁普(Emil Thorup)领导,他展示了沙发、桌子和照明;以及建筑师Arash Nourinejad的照明系列Anour,其最新的吊坠神秘地悬浮在一张桌子上,显然没有电线驱动它。
A new handcarved wood collection by Ilse Crawford for Bosnian brand Zanat included benches, trays and a table lamp
Titled 'Touch', the range explores experimental and intricate carving patterns in different woods
Young architects Pierre Mouton and Baptiste Chamourat, collectively dubbed Made With, dipped their toes in the design arena with a collection of steel furniture, including a desk, chair and shelves
Steel forms were also provided by Belgian designer Michael Verheyden, who launched new steel and leather chairs
A new Danish brand on the Paris scene is Handvärk. Led by former-TV-presenter-turned-designer Emil Thorup, its collection comprised a sofa, tables and lighting
When it comes to recurring themes, coffee making kits in all their forms abounded. Pictured: a slow-drip kit from Japanese brand Kinto
A refined slow-brew coffee maker (pictured left) and bean grinder (right) from Stelton, in matt black stoneware
Cookware brand Mauviel 1830 collaborated with ECAL masters students on an innovative kitchenware range
Pictured left: rigid glass forms from Klaar Prims. Right: cookware by Danish brand Eva Solo
Olivier Gagnère showed a large collection of vibrant ceramics at Galerie Maeght
José Lévy collaborated with Japanese manufacturer Daiken on a beautiful collection of benches and tables called 'Moving Tatami'
Jean-Baptiste Fastrez played with texture and colour to dramatic effect at Tai Ping Carpets
New glassware by Ferm Living explored sharp rippled edges
Stelton's off-shoot brand Rig-Tig presented a new line of kitchen solutions
Also new on the block is Moebe, playing with wood and elastic to produce practical small-scale design
keywords:Maison et Objet, Global Fair Guide 2016
关键词:Maison et Objet,2016年全球博览会指南
这个周末,麦森和奥巴杰面临挑战。它在法国的“返校”日(La Rentrée)拉开序幕,于是许多人拖着他们那沙质的腿回去工作,在蓝天下,在30度的高温下,需要.