Left, 'Edge of Chaos' by David Huycke, Belgium. Right, 'Waiting for Godot 130307–134090' by Bae Sejin, Republic of Korea
'Tata Curiata' by Artesanías Panikua (Antonio, Gabriela and Verónica Cornelio; Bertha Esperanza Villagómez), Mexico
Left, 'Tree Chair' by Zhilong Zheng, China. Right, 'Tree of Life 2' by Ernst Gamperl, Germany
‘Big Trays of parquetry’ by Shuji Nakagawa, Japan
Left, 'An Ambitious Pagan I' by Anne Low, Canada. Right, 'White on White Quilt – Moyur' by Sona Rani Roy, Bangladesh
'Line and Surface: VI' by Igawa Takeshi, Japan
'Dinosaur' by Lino Tagliapietra, Italy
'Selva Blanca' by Chiachio & Giannone (Leonardo Chiachio, Daniel Giannone), Argentina
Left, 'Norwegian Sweater', original damaged sweater from Annemor Sundbø's 'Ragpile' collection, by Celia Pym, UK. Right, 'Converging Line' by Sylvie Vandenhoucke, Belgium
'Animal Print' by Guillermo Álvarez-Charvel, Mexico
Left, 'Burial Object "Steps"' by Kristina Rothe, Germany. Right, 'Dreamers' by Fátima Tocornal, Spain
'Esker Vessel' by Sara Flynn, United Kingdom
‘Ellerbeckia’ by Helena Schepens, Belgium
'Winter' by Sangwoo Kim, Republic of Korea
Left, 'Structural Blue' by Yoshiaki Kojiro, Japan. Right, ‘Many&Deliberated’ by Patrícia Domingues, Portugal
Left, 'Manga Ormolu Ver. 5.0-s' by Brendan Lee Satish Tang, Canada. Right, 'Steampunk from the Cosmos' by Robert Baines, Australia
'Puffed Up' series by Kim Buck, Denmark
keywords:Craft, Loewe