'Assemblage 1', Studio Toogood's first collection of objects lays emphasis on English-sourced materials and craftmanship, as evidenced by the 'Element Table', shown here
菲耶·图古德在乡下长大,这是完全合理的;图古德工作室有史以来第一批收集的物品,“组装1”是对乡村生活的致敬。举个例子,“黑桃”系列的椅子和桌子,顾名思义,灵感来自最主要的乡村工具;还有一个类似的自我解释的名称瓦楞纸木‘筒仓’橱柜。与此同时,所有使用的材料-包括波特兰石材、梧桐树、黄铜、玻璃甚至是农场用的橙子-都来自英国农村。图古德说:“当我在室内世界当设计师的时候,我对所有这些优秀的工匠都很了解。”他们知道如何做事情,但他们没有机会去做。我们不能让他们的技能消亡,我们仍然拥有它,所以我们应该培养它,并准备为此付出代价。我们会在农贸市场上花更多的钱买食物,那为什么不买家具呢?“在为众多品牌和杂志工作了12年之后,图古德认为,2010年是推出她的首创系列的合适时机。作为一个设计师,我常常找不到我想要的东西。这让人心烦意乱,因为我认识这个行业的很多人,但我觉得我有很多话要说。我被来自自然世界的材料所吸引。图古德与旧的、被发现的、自然的人合作,创造了“组合1”,偶然地进入了回收的时代,不过她坚持说,她的惯用手法恰到好处地击中了正确的音符,这是一种令人高兴的巧合。她说,我觉得自己被农村吸引了。“我的父亲是一名鸟类学家,所以我们总是在觅食蘑菇,因此,我很自然地喜欢吃蘑菇。”“超级自然”是“超级自然”(SuperNatural),这是伦敦图古德工作室(Studio TooGood London Design Festival)推出的设计项目,专门从英国乡村收集和观察。她是唯一位持牌蘑菇新森林觅食者,她就是其中的一员。不过,目前,TooGood对于“组装1”仍保持低调。她说,我不是家具设计师。“但我想去一趟。”
Toogood's 'Spade Trestle Table' features a floating glass top on folding sycamore
Its legs use a 'dowel' technique for setting up and packing away
'Spade Chair' references the tool that Toogood considers an 'icon of rural life'
The 'Spade Chair' is inspired by a three-legged milking stool
Toogood considers the chair 'a modern tool for sitting'
'Spade Chair' - an underside view
'Spade Chair' detail
The 'Spade Trestle Table' is designed to work alongside the 'Spade Chair' and provide a sociable focus
The 'Silo Cabinet' is inspired by the agricultural structure for storing grain
The doors roll back to reveal thin shelves held in place by cylindrical brass pegs
The circular cabinet mimics the outline of the agricultural machinery and has slatted tambour doors
'Spade Side Table', hand-turned from a block of English sycamore
Toogood's 'Mobile' consists of straight lines of solid brass which secure sheets of tinted glass, in turn balanced against granite weights
The 'Element Light', which comes in wood, brass and stone, is based on the same simple shapes as the 'Element Table'
'Element Light' in hand-sculpted Perryfield Whitbed Portland stone
These 'Bin Bags' are crafted from old binocular cases
They are then customised using traditional leather-making techniques