If anyone still believed crafting was a dowdy hobby, London Craft Week puts the nail in the coffin, with contemporary, luxury design featuring in 129 events around the capital this week. Pictured: Mourne Textiles hand-weaving loom in Carl Hansen & Søn's London showroom, hosting a meeting of minds between two family-owned companies and live weaving demonstrations
长期以来,手工艺一直被一个形象问题所困扰:钩针、圆珠笔花盆、汤姆和芭芭拉·古德(Tom And Barbara Good)在素比顿(Surbiton)制作巧克力的那些杂乱无章的景象。但不要让“C”字把你推迟到5月7日的“伦敦工艺周”。虽然它是去年才推出的,但它在首都各地举办了129场活动,其中包括214名国际制作者,他们举行了演讲、示威和展览-为手工艺界举办伦敦时装周。
跨55个学科,lcw吸收香水制造商,玻璃鼓风机,家具设计师,裁缝,银器,陶艺家…。名单还在继续。这不是为了盈利,LCW是由“豪华先生”盖伊·索尔特(Guy Salter)创立的,他曾是阿斯佩瑞公司(Asprey)、劳伦特·佩里尔公司(Laurent Perrier)和加拉德公司(Garrard)的首席执行官。而且,越来越多的制造商正在用尖端技术将古老的技术加以扩充,以达到独创性的效果,而远非家用电器。
5月6日(上午10点至中午),第三代室内装潢工拉切尔·南(Rachael South)、椅子壶和座椅织布工也在她的东伦敦车间展示了她的工艺。
5月5日,磨坊设计师诺埃尔·斯图尔特(Noel Stewart)和皮尔斯·阿特金森(Piers Atkinson),以及从头至上主义(Headonism)的设计师们-前往克里斯托弗(Christopher‘s)讨论“如何为这一季制作帽子”(下午1点、下午2点和下午3点)-这证明了LCW版的工艺也具有服装优势。
The vibrant hand dyed textile designs of Ptolemy Mann, who will discuss the relationship between craft and industry with Material Lab on Great Titchfield Street on 6 May
Glass artist Katharine Coleman’s City of London IV, on show at Celebration of Craftsmanship & Design at Craft Central
The chance to snoop around collective studios is the greatest joy of events such as LCW. Pictured: 'Bayleaf' armoire by Sebastian Cox, one of the furniture designers at Second Floor Studios & Arts in Woolwich
Carl Hansen & Søn's Colonial Day Bed, left, and Chair, right, both upholstered in Mourne Textiles
The Geffrye Museum’s 'The Craft of Wallpaper' exhibition includes Custhom’s signature embroidered wallpaper, pictured
Glass artist and furniture designer Danny Lane, one of the first ‘creative salvage’ artists, who first came to fame in the 1980s for his broken glass furniture, will offer a tour of his North West London studio on 6 May. Pictured: 'Steel Console' by Danny Lane
David Gates’ 'Perpetually Ajar' with bowls by Helen Carnac, at Second Floor Studios & Arts in Woolwich
Claire Coles’ wallpaper 'Adorned Branches Laburnum', part of The Geffrye Museum’s 'The Craft of Wallpaper' exhibition
Kaleidoscope by Linda Florence, at The Geffrye Museum’s 'The Craft of Wallpaper' exhibition
keywords:London, Carl Hansen & Søn, Global Fair Guide 2016
长期以来,手工艺一直被一个形象问题所困扰:钩针、圆珠笔花盆、汤姆和芭芭拉·古德(Tom And Barbara Good)在素比顿(Surbiton)制作巧克力的那些杂乱无章的景象。但不要让“C”字把你推迟到5月7日的“伦敦工艺周”。虽然只有发射.。