A new exhibition at the Milk Factory in Paris explores dairy products through the lens of design. Photography: Colombe Clier
受十八世纪传统的启发,英国设计师Sebastian Bergne设计了一个热牛奶服务和微型实验室,它可以用来灌输新口味的牛奶。在山毛榉木制托盘上,精致的硼硅酸盐玻璃设计包括一个水壶,一个温度计(用蜡烛慢慢加热,耐心地加热),还有玻璃杯和搅拌勺。
这些作品由羽翼未丰的设计师在法国L‘cole Nationale Supérierure D’Art et Design de Nancy(NSAD)和L‘cole Supérierure D’Art et Design de Reims(SAD)举办的讲习班上创作的10件作品作为补充。利奥·塔沃尼(Léo Tavoni)、保罗·卢达(Paul Louda)和维克多·格勒涅兹(Victor Granez)-后者的学生-创造了一种用奶酪代替墨水的绘图工具。NSAD的产品包括一瓶可食用牛奶,以及300年后奶业的反乌托邦愿景。
Here, curator Claire Fayolle has invited 10 renowned designers and studios, alongside budding design students, to imagine the future of milk. Photography: Colombe Clier
Inspired by eighteenth century traditions, British designer Sebastian Bergne has devised a hot milk service-cum-micro laboratory, which can be used to infuse milk with new flavours
Served up on a beech wood tray, the delicate collection of borosilicate glass designs includes a jug housing a thermometer (to be heated slowly and patiently over a candle), along with glasses and stirring spoons
Left: a 3D milk-printing machine by Betc Design allows users to create mini-sculptures in different flavours. Right: Catalan designer Martí Guixé has concocted an experimental object using compound butters. Each geometrically shaped piece represents a type of flavoured butter, milk, production or area of expertise
Installation view of 'Milk Lab: Designers Reinvent Milk'. The exhibition was designed by Ich&Kar. Photography: Colombe Clier
'Peaux', by Marc Bretillot, who has made artful recreations of the curdling of cheese using 3D printing
Left: 'Peaux', by Marc Bretillot. Right: 'Ephe Milk', by Eliumstudio
Left: 'Luxe Lait', by François Mangeol. Right: 'Hyperbol', by Stéphane Bureaux
The works are complemented by pieces created by fledgling designers during a workshop held at French schools L’École Nationale Supérierure D’Art et Design de Nancy (ÉNSAD) and L’École Supérierure D’Art et Design de Reims (ÉSAD). From left to right: Crémeux Presentoir by Romain Kloeckner; Pistolait by Victor Grenez, Paul Louda and Léo Tavoni; Milk Clay by Sijya Gupta; Unité de Fabrication by Lisa David, Laure Manhes, Jaïna Ennequin. Photography: Colombe Clier
5.5 Design Studio’s quirky creation – synthetic udders suspended above a traditional milk pail – aims to connect viewers directly to agriculture. Photography: Colombe Clier
Installation view of 'Vache à lait', by 5.5 Design Studio. Photography: Colombe Clier
keywords:Milk Factory, lifestyle, food, food exhibition, food design, Paris, Sebastian Bergne
关键词:牛奶厂,生活方式,食品,食品展览,食品设计,巴黎,Sebastian Bergne