For its first show opening tomorrow, Gallery All in downtown LA commissioned a series of new works from rising Chinese design stars Naihan Li and Zhoujie Zhang. Pictured is Li's 'The Crate Series'
第一次展览,画廊都委托了一系列新的,限量版的作品从一对冉冉升起的中国明星。它的共同创始人青云玛和王羽热衷于就中国设计的新时代发表声明。它标志着从“中国制造;心态”的转变。画廊负责人Xiao Lu解释说,他曾在纽约的约翰逊贸易画廊工作过。乃汉丽和周杰张都是30多岁的人,他们代表了1980代后的中国设计师,但中国以外的画廊却没有展出他们的作品。这第一场演出标志着他们首次在美国露面。
Zhoujie的作品探索如何在最简单的2D几何中表示复杂的物体,然后逆向设计解决问题的方法:什么是完美的3D物体,比如椅子或桌子。从概念上讲,它非常接近Jade Rabbit试图做的事情——寻找未知来更好地定义已知的东西。卢说。
The gallery is located within the city's iconic iron-and-brick Bradbury Building and will be dedicated to showcasing contemporary design pieces from around the world, bringing a new, conceptual tone to the city's artistic offerings
The gallery's minimal white space is the perfect backdrop for the exclusive collections. Li's furniture pieces dramatically transform from simple wooden boxes into nostalgia-tinged objects, like a desk, bar, bookcase and foosball table...
...while Zhang's fragmented constructions see traditional furniture forms built out of shard-like pieces of brass that have been neatly welded together. Pictured is 'The Brass Collection (Table)', by Zhoujie Zhang
'Fold Table - Swirl', by Naihan Li
Digital Vessel Collection, Zhoujie Zhang, 2011. Gallery director Xiao Lu says: 'Zhoujie's works explore how to represent a complicated object in the simplest 2D geometry, then reverse-engineers the solution to re-define the question: what is a perfect 3D object, like a chair or a table'
Naihan Li's writing desk and bookcase from 'The Crates Series', with 'Digital Chair' (centre) by Zhoujie Zhang
Tea table from 'The Crate Series', by Naihan Li. 'Naihan Li has a special interest in designing complicated folding design pieces that can easily travel to anywhere, conceptually very similar to the Jade Rabbit explorer,' says Xiao Lu. 'So my brief to her was to make new pieces for the crates series'
Writing desk from 'The Crate Series', by Naihan Li
keywords:Gallery All, new gallery, exhibition, opening, art, design, design gallery