Helsinki Design Week's twelfth edition recently concluded with over 250 events taking place across the Finnish capital, including a talk hosted at the newly minted Löyly sauna. Photography:
“赫尔辛基设计周”(赫尔辛基Design Week)被重击者梅森·特·奥贝特(Maison Et Objet)和伦敦设计节(London Design Festival)放在设计日历的两侧,可能很容易被忽视-这并不是芬兰静悄悄的设计师们第十二届北欧艺术节吸引了约15.8万名游客-比去年的数字增长了32%-是一场充满自信的芬兰盛事,有256个展览、装置和活动主要庆祝当地人才。
今年的标志性项目HDW HOP以安装小径的形式在整个城市展开。以柏林为基础的艺术集体塑质奇观以用充气塑料泡泡包装赫尔辛基历史性的三史密斯雕塑开始了创作过程,这里举办了讲习班、讲座和当地的爵士乐队。在这座城市的其他地方,芬兰的中流砥柱Marimekko邀请观众更仔细地看看它的旗舰店橱窗,而Iittala收集的玻璃鸟则镶嵌在一个华丽的设施中。
新的设计外交使包括斯洛伐克和日本在内的十几个外国大使馆向公众开放,让芬兰设计师和东道国进行一系列热烈的讨论。大胆的设计朝圣者可能会沉溺于芬兰著名的桑拿文化,在五个公共热点举行了一系列会谈,其中包括最近揭幕的“洛利”(L Yly),这是一座由阿文托建筑师(Avanto Architect)建造的引人注目的海滨木结构。
Opened this summer, Löyly was designed by Avanto Architects and sits by the waterfront of the former industrial zone of Hernesaari, which is now being developed into a residential area. Photography:; Joanna Laajisto
The architects conceived a structure covered with a free-form wooden 'cloak' made from some 4,000 planks of heat-treated pine. Photography:
A trail of installations unfolded across the heart of Helsinki. German art collective Plastique Fantastique encased the city's historic Three Smiths sculpture with a giant plastic bubble, entitled superKOLMEMEN, which hosted lectures, workshops and even a jazz band. Photography: Aino Huovio; Jessica Klingelfuss
The installations were part of HDW HOP, and included 'Material Led Design', celebrating the new Colours and Materials degrees at Aalto University. It showcased students' explorations and innovations from courses that took place earlier in the year Photography: Aino Huovio
Elsewhere in the city, Finnish mainstays Marimekko invited viewers to take a closer look into its flagship store through peep-hole windows...
...while Iittala’s collection of Oiva Toikka glass birds nested in a gloriously verdant installation. Photography: Aino Huovio
Helsinki gallery Lokal’s annual youth exhibition, 'Bloom', spotlights artists and designers under the age of 30
Over at Messukeskus convention centre, the Habitare interiors fair brought together the latest in Finnish furniture. Pictured: a stand styled by Finnish designer Anna Pirkola for Asun magazine. Photography: Katri Kapanen
Pictured left: black panel wall and wooden curtain, by Stark; leather pillows, by Field Day; daybed, by Menu; side table, by Artek; and black floor flight, by Lampe Gras, for Ambienti. Right: 'Turnaround' mirror, by Anna Pirkola. Photography: Katri Kapanen
Pictured left: wooden spoons, by Marie Eklund; and stool, by Nikari. Right: ceramics, by Eeva Takkunen and Raaka-Rå; and brass watering jug, by Finnish Design Shop. Photography: Katri Kapanen
Finnish label Hakola launched its 'Black Edition' collection. Pictured from left: 'Round' table, by Ines Wartiainen and Fanni Suvila; 'Allen' chair, by Studio HH (Henri Halla-aho and Hinni Soini); 'Lempi' shelf, by Anni Pitkäjärvi; and 'Woody' table, by Annaleena Hämäläinen
It was Habitare's student showcase that stole the show, with pieces like carpenter Sakari Hartikainen's 'Swinging' bench catching our eye
Pictured left: 'Bow' bench, by Alena Sobotková. Right: 'Cado', by Pirita Keisun
Pictured left: 'Oksa', by Outi Kiisseli. Right: 'Poporäkki', by Joel Hautala
Pictured left: 'Rusko' mirror. Right: 'Utu' light; both by Maija Puoskari. Photography: Katri Kapanen
Artek paired up with Japanese fashion and textile brand Minä Perhonen on a pop-up at the Finnish brand's Helsinki flagship store
Minä Perhonen upholstered Artek classics in its distinctive fabrics, including a stack of 'Stool 60' seats (pictured left)
Dutch design brand Puik Art launched a raft of new products, such as the 'Candela' five-legged candles (pictured left), and the 'Clork' cork clock (right)
Pictured left: 'Lloyd' leather lamp. Right: 'Monday' mugs; both by Puik Art
keywords:Furniture design, Global Fair Guide 2016
“赫尔辛基设计周”(赫尔辛基Design Week)被重击者梅森·特·奥贝特(Maison Et Objet)和伦敦设计节(London Design Festival)放在设计日历的两侧,可能很容易被忽视-这并不是芬兰静悄悄的设计师们吸引了大约158,000名游客.。