Sergio Rodrigues, the legendary furniture designer from Rio de Janeiro has set up shop in New York's Espasso, the dynamic retailer specialising in furnishings and accessories from Brazil. Pictured here are the Poltrona Oscar 1956 (foreground); Banco Mocho, 1954 and Poltrona Diz, 2002/03 (background) Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
这是一种天造地设的合作:里约热内卢的传奇家具设计师塞尔吉奥·罗德里格斯(Sergio Rodrigues)和来自巴西的充满活力的零售商Espasso。当然,老板卡洛斯·朱奎拉多年来一直随身携带着罗德里格斯的作品,几乎所有其他巴西设计师的作品都是如此。但是现在,Espasso已经把他们的Tribeca空间的整个下层奉献给了罗德里格斯的店内商店。
这种对Junqueira‘s Espasso的描述,让人将其与罗德里格斯在里约绿树成荫的伊帕内马街区的原始空间进行比较。这是一个他称之为Oca的实验-一部分精品店,一部分工作室,一部分画廊。它当时是一种冒险和未经证实的模式,在动荡的几十年独裁统治期间,它成为知识分子成功的行动和重心。
今天,Espasso是一个类似的渠道,巴西艺术和设计社区在纽约,以及更多的当地爱好者,朋友和行业专业人士。过去在画廊发生的事情包括私人音乐剧,其中包括Seu Jorge等人的表演,以及为
Espasso has dedicated the entire lower level of their Tribeca space to the Rodrigues shop-in-shop, featuring pieces like the Poltrona Oscar, 1956 (foreground); Luminária J. Hirth lamp, 1965; Ilidio Dining Table, 1990; and Poltrona Kiko desk chair, 1965 (background from left) Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
Designer Sergio Rodrigues - seen here with his trademark handlebar moustache, flat cap and Jacaranda wood walking cane - posing next to his Poltrona Mole chair Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
Rodrigues describes his collaboration with Espasso as the perfect partnership, owing to owner Carlos Junqueira's dedication to creating a space with Brazilian spirit. Seen here are the Cadeira Cantu Baixa chair, 1958; and Banco Mocho stool, 1954 Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
Rodrigues' personal charm comes across in the new space, highlighted by original sketches like this one, which portrays a portly Rodrigues napping in his famous Poltrona Mole chair and ottoman. The sketch frames the designer's Poltrona Chifruda chair, 1963; and Bianca Sideboard, 1995 Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
Both original antiques and current production models of the many Rodrigues classics are on display Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
A new line of Rodrigues re-editions previously only available in Brazil are now also on offer at Espasso. The Poltorna Mole, 1957, seen here in the foreground, frames the Luminária Sérgio Augusto, 1965; Banco Mocho, 1954; Poltrona Vronka, 1962; and Poltrona Beto, 1958 Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
Pictured here is the 'Vronka' armchair, 1962 Photography: Eliseu Cavalcante
keywords:Furniture, Design, Art, New York
这是一种天造地设的合作:里约热内卢的传奇家具设计师塞尔吉奥·罗德里格斯(Sergio Rodrigues)和来自巴西的充满活力的零售商Espasso。当然老板卡洛斯·朱奎拉一直带着.。