Soho Home is the Soho House group's new e-commerce venture, letting you take bits of the houses away with you (sort of). Pictured: Soho House Miami
Soho House集团早已放弃了外部设计师的服务-包括汤姆·迪克森(Tom Dixon)、马丁·布鲁尼茨基(Martin Brudnizki)和伊尔斯·克劳福德(Ilse Crawford)-在纽约成立了一个室内设计工作室(尽管安藤忠雄(Tadao Ando)正在与该集团合作打造会员俱乐部帝国在东京的新分支)。该工作室由维基·查尔斯(Vicky Charles)领导-该公司一直忙于该集团的不断增长的雄心,在芝加哥、伊斯坦布尔和洛杉矶安装了新房子,并致力于阿姆斯特丹、巴塞罗那和孟买的开业工作。该工作室开发出了一种重压复古风格的房屋风格。这是基于完全定制的家具和配件,确保每一个新的俱乐部感觉独特和当地的来源。
正是在致力于2014年开业的芝加哥SOHO House的装修和装修时,查尔斯决定,所有这些鼻烟和采购活动都可以起到更大的作用,并将这一想法卖给了SOHO House的创始人尼克·琼斯(Nick Jones)。
今年早些时候,SOHO家庭的56,000名会员和公众(其中33,000人目前正在等待成为会员)软启动,SOHO Home,该组织的新的电子商务企业,让你把房子的一部分带走。或者至少有完全相同的餐具,纺织品,附件,艺术版画,软家具和家具-包括古董件-送到你的门口。
琼斯说:“我们创办SOHO之家是因为会员们总是问我们在哪里可以买到房子里的东西。”“所以我们设计了一个系列来把房子带回家,从你坐在芝加哥SOHO House的切斯特菲尔德沙发到在迪安街76号喝下你的内格罗尼的巴维尔水晶。”
The Soho House internal design team is headed up by Vicky Charles (though Tadao Ando is working with the group on a new Tokyo branch of the members' club empire). Pictured: 76 Dean Street
The site was soft-launched to the houses’ 56,000 members earlier this year and now to the general public (33,000 of whom are currently on the waiting list to become members). Pictured: Soho House Berlin
It was while working on the fit-out and furnishing of Soho House Chicago (pictured), opened in 2014, that Charles decided that all that snuffling and sourcing could serve a bigger purpose and sold the idea to Soho House founder Nick Jones
‘We started Soho Home because members always ask us where they can buy things in the houses,’ says Jones. Pieces from Chicago, New York, Babington House, Soho Farmhouse and High Road House, pictured, comprise the current list, but more will be added
keywords:Tom Dixon
关键词:Tom Dixon
Soho House集团早已放弃了外部设计师的服务-Tom Dixon、Martin Brudnizki和Ilse Crawford-在纽约成立了一个室内设计工作室(尽管安藤忠雄正在与该集团合作打造一个新的设计工作室…)。