Susanna Björklund's ‘Signals’ installation went on show during Habitare in Helsinki, presenting four distinctly different styled spaces which reflect changing issues in society. Pictured: the 'Simplified' set up, a minimalist space which reflects themes of urbanisation – more houses, less space – and therefore fewer possessions
政治、社会和数字变化对世界的影响一直在观察之中。这些因素如何影响我们的内部和设计是一个新的研究部门,趋势分析师Susanna Bj rklund在一个就职装置,‘信号’,在赫尔辛基的习惯。
BJ O'RKLUND把她的新闻技巧带到了Enne——芬兰的一家机构,它着眼于设计和社会趋势的未来。Enne在壁纸上展示了他们在博览会上的现代室内主题展示中的大量研究。“信号”展览展示了四种截然不同的风格空间:“中间”、“简化”、“积极心理学”和“深层”。所有构思的色调主题的产品和织物提供的色调专家潘通,观众被邀请通过这些家庭式设置连接文化的影响和设计。
进入精致的“深”室内,丰富的色彩和图案面料创造了一种奢侈和温暖的感觉。神奇的扎罗大理石桌子上摆着汤姆·迪克森金色蜡烛、深色古比书架和生锈色和海军蓝色的Thonet椅子。比约克伦德希望展示一个反极简主义的环境,一个在经济斗争中寻求更深颜色和更繁忙空间的慰藉的文化空间。与之相反的是“简约”,一套朴素的、色彩柔和、感觉更有机的套装,芬兰设计师明娜·西尔塔拉(Minna Siltala)和皮娅·乌里(Piia Ouri)的苔藓地毯,以及伊尔斯·克劳福德(Ilse Crawford)在里莫瓦行李箱和B箱中为宜家设计的一张户外床
另外两家机构则探讨了一些可能被视为反趋势的稍微令人困惑的领域。“中间”是这四个中最好玩的。穆托模组架子上的流行色彩在墙上排成一排,老式的Artek摇椅创造了孟菲斯风格的氛围,让人联想到设计与工艺之间的一片空白。“正面心理学”是最具争议的一种设置,它更多的是与杂乱无章、没有特定主题的物品不匹配,将植物生命的选择与藤条椅和Bj rklund自己设计的印花窗帘混为一谈。这是我们唯一无法通过的设置,这表明了一种个人和私人空间的感觉。也许我们不应该判断为什么有人把椅子放在一个特定的空间,而只是欣赏它。
使用现代设计,“信号”以独特的方式显示社会变化或“大趋势”。Bj rklund说:“设计界的每一件事都是在如此快速的循环中发生的,它实际上反映并显示了社会上将要发生的事情。”惯习会将安装作为博览会的永久部分,以了解这些趋势年复一年的变化。
The 'Deep' interior set included dark Thonet chairs, patterned Cole & Son wallpaper and Venini vases
'Deep' evoked a sense of comfort which perhaps those in economic crisis would seek in deeper colours and a warmer, more busy set up. Products here include Tom Dixon gold candles, a black Gubi shelf and marble tables by Zarro
With 'Inbetween', a Memphis-style pop colour set suggests the limbo between craft and design, and included vintage Artek rocking chairs and a fuschia armchair by Vivero
One of the walls of 'Inbetween' was covered in bright modular shelves by Muuto
The 'Simplified' area showed a selection of mirrors by Loka, Hay, Roomage and Toisto, and Yoga prints by Timo Junttila
'Positive Psychology' was an inaccessible space suggesting a private and personal area. There was a slight disarray in the interiors which included rattan chairs by Parolan Rottinki and a range of succulents by Plantagen in amidst the patterned prints by Björklund herself
‘Everything in the design world is happening in such a fast cycles that it actually mirrors and shows signals of what is going to happen in society,’ Björklund says. Pictured: 'Positive Psychology'
keywords:Finland, Helsinki, Tom Dixon, Artek, Gubi, Hay, Furniture design
政治、社会和数字变化对世界的影响一直在观察之中。这些因素是如何影响我们的内部和设计是一个新的研究部门,趋势分析师Susanna Bj rklund在一个首次安装,‘信号.