Life aesthetics
从一份早餐开始, 认真切割,仔细清洗, 准备好碟边的花骨朵摆放心意, 用刀叉温暖味蕾。
故事中的主角就是这样一个 喜欢在生活中寻找 一切建立在美之上的画意...
《一念晨香》 \ 沉稳/古典/传承 面积:110.0㎡ 主角:希望每一天都是新的美好,早起可以闻见芳香弥漫,晚归可以退去疲惫,留住所有细细的生活感受。 主案设计师陈晓:造一处优雅洒脱的地方,可以给她细细的享受每一寸时光和填充独一份的温柔感受。 陈设设计师黎秋辰:支撑生活的除了辛勤还应该有尊重自我的仪式感,我们用专业营造了更多关于她的故事和他们的生活背景。
定制的美学/设计师自述: Custom-made aesthetic/designer statement: 诚如故事的开头,生活在某种意义上是一种营造,为营造这样一个理想的状态,最终定调为轻法式(休闲法式概述),因为既要创造具有美学意义的仪式感,又要在这种仪式感当中寻找一种轻松自如的状态。 设计的过程并不简单,而支撑起这些的背后是一整个美学体系,这里的美学体系不仅仅是艺术上的造诣,更是对主角生活中美学的把控,可能是不经意间的举动,也可能是日常的小习惯,而生活中美学体系的建立便是规避我们视而不见的庸俗生活方式,尽而用心和灵魂去享受更高的生活姿态。 所以整个美学体系其实涵盖了三个生命节点,过去的她:原本的生活全貌中她扮演什么样的角色,现在的她:在当下她对自己的要求,以及未来的她:保持未来可以延续的生命力。从这三个生命节点出发,我们主要在三个具体的系统即木制品体系、色彩图文体系以及照明体系上定制属于她的生活美学系统。除了营造和再现情境之外,我们最终希望她的生活美学体系具有经典之韵味,并一直传承下去。 Like the beginning of the story,life in a sense is a kind of creation,in order to create such an ideal state,and eventually the tone is light French,because it is necessary to create an aesthetic sense of ritual, but also to find a relaxed state in this sense of ritual. Design process is not simple, and prop up behind the system is a whole aesthetics, the aesthetics system is not only artistic attainments, but also to the leading role in the life of the aesthetics of the accused, may be inadvertently move, may also be a daily habit, and to establish the system of life aesthetics is to avoid we turn a blind eye to the vulgar way of life, and heart and soul to enjoy a higher life attitude. Therefore, the whole aesthetic system actually covers three life nodes, the past one: what role does she play in the whole picture of her original life, the present one: what she demands on herself in the present one, and the future one: to keep the future alive. Starting from the three life nodes, we mainly customize the life aesthetics system belonging to her on three specific systems, namely wood products system, color graphic and text system and lighting system. In addition to creating and reproducing the situation, we finally hope that the aesthetic system of life belonging to her has the classic charm, and will continue to be passed on.
或许没有诗情, 但画意总该是空间里面最终要呈现的样子。
撰文/以勒品牌部 摄影/李恒 美学观点/陈晓 翻译/Xin Lin