都市丛林的名利、欲望已固化成一种执念,侵蚀我们每个人,迷失、焦虑变成一种无可回避的精神困局,人人都应在麻木与不屑中时刻警醒自己:我们是谁?我们在哪里?我们将要去何方?以“本真”贯穿整个空间的主题,摈弃材料的堆砌作为设计的初衷, 每个人心中都有些难以忘怀的美好场景,一首诗、一幅画、甚至一个故事,都可能触发内心深处,成为设计的源泉,对于设计的思考也会随之变得更纯粹与自然。设计师希望营造一个极致而朴质的东方人文空间,表达人们对美好生活的哲学思考,回归到设计与生活的本真,构筑生活的诗性与歌赋,探索具有更高信仰与深度的精神诉求。空间中采取大面积的留白与质朴的枫木相互映衬,将看似简单质朴材质进行延伸扩展,摈弃掉繁杂与多余的装饰,通过以“藏”、“隐”方式扩大空间意境,结构的虚实相生自然皆成妙境。并巧妙的利用不同时间的光照引发空间的节奏感,室内空间随着外部环境的变化而产生丰富的表情,感受每一时每一刻光照带来空间的光影的变换,大自然的风光引入,是无限开放,让人自由舒展,心不在焉地感受生活。 With the theme of "true" running through the entire space and abandoning the accumulation of materials as the original purpose of the design, there are some unforgettable beautiful scenes in everyone's heart. A poem, a painting, or even a story can trigger the deep heart and become the source of design. Thinking about design will also become more pure and natural. The designer hopes to create an extreme and simple Oriental humanistic space, express people's philosophical thinking on a good life, return to the essence of design and life, build the poetic nature and song of life, and explore spiritual aspirations with higher faith and depth.
In the space, a large area of white and simple maple trees are used to contrast each other, extending the seemingly simple and simple materials, abandoning the complicated and superfluous decorations, and expanding the spatial mood by "hiding" and "hidden" methods. The virtual reality of the structure naturally becomes a wonderful situation. And cleverly use the light of different times to trigger the rhythm of the space. The indoor space produces rich expressions with the changes of the external environment. Feel the transformation of the light and shadow of the space brought by the light at every moment and moment. The introduction of the scenery of nature is infinitely open. Free to stretch, absent-minded feeling of life.