本帖最后由 vooping 于 2012-4-7 15:46 编辑
精致,现代,时尚和别致,柏悦苏黎世是一个欢迎替代传统的,旧世界苏黎世的其他五星级酒店物业的氛围。 The hotel's uber-contemporary architecture is backdrop to the luxurious finishes used to sculpt the interior spaces - materials that bring to mind finely stitched leathers and precious metals already familiar to patrons of Zurich's most exclusive boutiques, and the palette of berry red and creamy white evokes the color and flavor of Switzerland's famous chocolate confections. Photography by Durston Saylor 酒店的尤伯杯当代建筑的背景,奢华的饰面用来雕刻的内部空间 - 材料,让人联想到精细缝制皮革和贵金属已经熟悉的苏黎世最独特的精品店的顾客,以及浆果红色和乳白色唤起调色板的颜色和味道瑞士著名的巧克力甜点。德斯顿塞勒的相片