本帖最后由 王凯利ARJ 于 2018-1-3 17:35 编辑
M TANG 蜜 糖
▼ 品牌速写,Brand sketch
M Tang is a French style sweet shop which is newly opened on the 4 floor of Yintai city. The beautiful dessert is always surprised and surprised by its unique creativity. Similarly, the M sugar French West Point is designed to create a perfect dessert space for customers with dessert and sugar as a source of inspiration. The whole store is filled with a fresh French style. The color of sugar and biscuits makes a lovely and comfortable feeling to the space of the whole store. At present, M has three sugar patisserie shops, the headquarters is located in Minshan road and Stadium Road intersection, two stores (in this case) is located in the city intime 4 layer, three layer 1 store is located in the city intime.
▼ 设计思考,Design Thinking
Before the receipt of this design, the designer is not out of thin air studio girl M Tang fans, when he learned that M Tang Jiang Jie will store (intime City 4) by the US led design, the girls thought bursting, after analyzing the on-the-spot investigation, the surrounding environment, defined in the outer space can be found in the distance can be the interior space, elegant design style to highlight the dessert. The other analysis of young customers, we also do for children's deck areas, bestie afternoon tea table and single to right bar. The overall style to do a lot of subtraction, advocate elegant is not greasy.
▼ 门店外观,Tthe external view of the restaurant
In the appearance design, abandoned the original shop around the glass floor, instead it is flat bar and folding window practice together, and the entrance open, and the bright yellow paint color rendering, which can make from far away you can see where they chowhound M Tang.
▼ 内外延伸,全景开窗,Panoramic window
The shops is not wide, so when the guests in the shop when the visual designers don't want to be too harsh to the glass barrier, also can not appear, so do the folding window in the bar area, when all open, store and shop communicated with each other, air, sound and atmosphere in synchronization to expand the store area from the visual effect.
▼ 折叠石材,羞涩灯光,Lrregular stone
In the design of deck area on the background, but irregular folding practices and stone for a combination, and increase the warm light auxiliary lights, another stone is more clever.
▼ 空间立面,Space facade
In the space occupies two buildings column, designers use the column spacing, set up four active meals, can fight the table lamp post is arranged outside the single seater, surrounded the circle of high transparent glass, the glass surface for merchants freely paving brand information, activities, announcements, let the column is no longer hard.
▼ 立面近景,A shot of the facade
A large area of ground treatment used cement floor lacquer, but around the center column, the designer set up the irregular paved honeycomb brick.
▼ 水吧区域,Beverage making area
The overall use of a single, water area is cold wind, no stone, wall, wall tiles, wooden doors, instruments are white, symmetrical shape of natural marble is used to make the best of the bar material.
▼ 结构图,Original structure
▼ 平面图,Plan
项目名称:《 蜜 糖 》 项目面积:80.0㎡ 完工时间:2017-01 项目地址:中国 浙江 宁波 银泰城 4F 委托方:M糖甜品 设计单位:无中生有
施工单位: 鲁 经 理 摄影:朴言
Wachat / Wangkaili Tel / 400-004-1662 & 15888518436 Address / 中国浙江宁波北仑新锋商务楼308室