本帖最后由 王凯利ARJ 于 2018-1-3 17:33 编辑
Duck shop 鸭 店
▼ 品牌速写,Brand sketch
朱元璋建都南京后,明宫御厨便取用南京肥厚多肉的湖鸭制作菜肴。为了增加鸭子的风味,厨师采用炭火烘烤,成菜后鸭子吃口酥香,肥而不腻,受到人们称赞,即被宫廷取名为“烤鸭”。 “鸭王届”的扛把子,此称号在宁波非德亲园莫属。德亲园目前已有三家分店,两家在北仑,一家则在天一,门店都很好找,北仑店开在新大路上和博地影秀城内,天一店开在天一广场7号门附近,在店里经常能看到熟悉的面孔,而且回头客很多,这儿的食客三天两头来吃鸭,就因为鸭子只认“德亲园”。
Zhu Yuanzhang, capital of Nanjing, it will take food by chef Ming Palace Nanjing hypertrophy fleshy duck lake. In order to increase the duck flavor, cook with charcoal baking, to eat crispy duck dish, fat but not greasy, by people praise, which is named "Roasted Duck palace". "Duck king" of the carry handle, the title in Ningbo belong to him. DeQinYuan currently has more than three stores, two in Beilun, one in a day, the stores are easy to find, Beilun store opened in the new road and Peabody kagehide City, a store opened in the days near a square Gate 7, here can often see familiar faces, many repeat customers. The diners to eat the duck is every two or three days, because only the DeQinYuan "de ducks".
▼ 设计思考,Design Thinking
When the studio just received the project, the first thinking direction is to break the consistent traditional impression of roast duck's dining space, and combine the traditional Chinese culture and the current trend elements with the current mainstream elements and materials. Abandon the house is full of wooden material instead of the dining style, metal and stone texture, with smart lines lead a fast ceiling painting and color collocation, solitary light, express a blues theme restaurant.
▼ 门店外观,Tthe external view of the restauran
The appearance of elements from the Shanghai old the Bund Bailemen, were changed to cement board base, golden wood line shape, delicate and complicated; the side window to the world, only the round window, the round window is de Pro Park signature style, each store will be set in the door round window shape, let the space within the scene like "I am not Pan Jinlian" a drama that appears like passers-by vision.
▼ 每一只烤鸭都是有梦想的凤凰,Every roast duck is a Phoenix
The kitchen will be open out from the space and dining area to be made one, you can sit on the couch and Ge You lay, shaking the marble cocktail, watching the chef in the kitchen cooking, waiting for the Roasted Duck on the table, do not have a taste.
▼ 天马行空的油画与传统山水墨画的相融结合 Oil painting and ink paintin
食物不仅用来填肚子,更是用来享受;生活不是凑合过的,更是拿来精心细读的。饮食如绘画、如音乐、如舞蹈,诗情画意,天马行空。 [其所以神化而超出于众表者;殆犹天马行空而步骤不凡。]
饮食又好比交友。从相遇到初识再到深交。二犬情深,不过如此。 [咸溪童镛,家畜二犬,一白一花,共出一母。性狡狯,解人意。日则嬉戏,夜则守门。后白者倏目盲,不能进牢自食。主人以草藉檐外卧之。花者衔饭吐而饲之。夜则卧其侧,几二年余。及白者死,埋诸山麓。花犬乃朝夕往,至葬处则默哀,若拜泣状,良久乃反。]
Food is not only used to fill the stomach, but also to enjoy it; life is not a makeshift, but more carefully read. Food, such as painting, such as music, such as dance, poetic, the sky and the sky. Eating is better than making friends. From meet acquaintance to shenzhen. Two dogs are deep, but that's the case. Shisexingye. Life refuses to be mediocre!
▼ 放浪不羁的流线型吊顶犹如毛笔轻点画纸幽幽泛开的墨汁 A ceiling like a pan of ink
Streamlined from the sea waves, clever and unruly; on both sides of the mirror is extended from the visual sense of space; space adjustable light and hidden in the background screen with different application scenarios and change, can have a private reception mode, can have a birthday party, also had a family reunion mode because of moving, space.
▼ 金属天花装置与餐灯交相呼应 Collocation of metal smallpox and chandelier
▼ 利用镜面延伸空间,Using a mirror to extend the space
▼ 立面近景,A shot of the facade
Nine fish is auspicious meaning of figure painting, Gu, specifically the nine carp sculpture hall round window. If a window is like a lake, the human perspective determines the meaning of the shape, and the space moves with people.
▼ 结构图,Original structure
▼ 平面图,Plan
项目名称:德亲园 蓝调 项目面积:125.0㎡ 完工时间:2017-10 项目地址:中国 浙江 宁波 博地影秀城 4F 委托方:宁波德亲园餐饮文化管理有限公司 设计单位:无中生有
施工单位:易尚国际 摄影:朴言
Wachat / Wangkaili Tel / 400-004-1662 & 15888518436 Address / 中国浙江宁波北仑新锋商务楼308室