大厅空间主要营造轻松优雅的销售氛围,主色调为咖色,墙面运用现代的设计材料金属与软面材质的结合,并且空间有分有合,层层递进,形成了流动的空间构成形式,同时当身临其中时空间流露着家庭会客厅的温馨感受。 洽谈室的设计采用对比的手法,粗狂的石材和细腻的硬包,木饰面做对比,一放一收,既有视觉的冲击力,又大气庄重。沙发背景利用了原有的建筑结构,设置室内中庭,绿色的植物更为室内增加了不少生机。错层的设计既保持了原有的建筑外观,更扩大了室内的采光面积。 卫生间的设计运用的黑、白、灰色块分割手法,粗狂的水纹石和细腻的鱼肚白做对比,视觉冲击力强。同时橙色的玉石柱盆的设置,不仅造型独特,而且点亮了整个空间,使得空间不沉闷,有活力。 电梯厅延续售楼处的设计手法,运用流水形式石材,烘托空间大气氛围,采用地灯以及灯光来烘托主题气势,精心选配的石材给空间带来不一样的感受,简洁而优雅。
Hall space main build relaxed atmosphere of elegant sales, main colors for the coffee color, metope USES modern design the combination of metal and soft material, material and space points are close, layer, formed the spatial constitution form of the flow, at the same time when body is near the lounge space reveal the family warm feeling. Negotiation room design use the technique of contrast, the ruggedly hard packages, stone material and exquisite wood veneer do contrast, a closed one, both the visual impact, and solemn atmosphere. Sofa background using the original building structure, set up interior atrium, increased many life more indoor green plants. The design of wrong layer to hold the original architectural appearance, more expanded indoor lighting area. The design of toilet use black, white, gray block segmentation technique, rapid water lines and exquisite and comparing, the sky was a fish-belly grey stone strong visual impact. Orange jade column basin set at the same time, not only unique, and lit up the whole space, make the space is not dull, energetic. The elevator hall continuation floor design technique, using water form stone, foil space atmosphere, atmosphere, light and the light is used to foil theme, carefully matching the stone material space to bring different feeling, concise and elegant.
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